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Samuel Norich
Samuel Norich




Jon Banner

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Larry Cohler-Esses
Larry Cohler-Esses

Assistant Managing Editor

Submission Guidelines

The News section is looking for unexpected stories about the Jewish world. The section includes breaking news, if it has not been covered elsewhere, but most of our freelance submissions look at unusual circumstances, people and/or trends. The most successful pitches describe something happening in a specific place (a new form of worship in Oregon or a legal battle over a synagogue in Romania). The section generally does not include broad profiles of communities or people.

Opinion & Letters to the Editor

Sigal Samuel
Sigal Samuel

Opinion Editor

Submission Guidelines

The Opinion section is a forum for commentary on issues of importance to American Jewry. We’re open to all opinions, so long as they’re well-written and well-argued. Analytical pieces are our usual fare, but personal stories are also welcome, so long as they convey a broader message. Written submissions should be 750 to 1,000 words in length, preferably sent as a Microsoft Word file. We try to respond to every submission, but if you haven’t heard from us within two weeks of pitching, you can assume we’ve decided to pass.


Adam Langer
Adam Langer

Culture Editor

Submission Guidelines

Culture includes features about and reviews of literature, film, theater, visual art, music and dance. In addition, the section also regularly includes broader “ideas” pieces (on, for example, how the development of the information superhighway affected American spiritual life, or why there’s no such thing as Jewish guilt), as well as occasional works of fiction and poetry.


Members of the news media should email BerlinRosen or call (646) 452-5637


Michael Sarid
Michael Sarid

Chief Development Officer


Deb Greenberg

Development Manager


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