
Lame Duck L’Orange

An orange shock wave rolled over the Canadian political landscape yesterday. In its wake Tom Mulcair’s leadership of the NDP came to a sudden, even shocking end. Some time ago I made the case for why the NDP should choose a new leader. I was surprised as anyone else, when the NDP saw things the same way.

Looking objectively at an election where the party lost the lead, half their seats, and the best chance they have ever had to form government, it is only our surprise which should surprise us. Several pundits thought Mr. Mulcair might not make the 70% threshold of support, and need to make a tough decision. Virtually no one thought support would be so low, the party would make that decision for him. (more…)



Shocking images, and devastating news first met waking eyes in North America today. A terrorist attack filled the early day’s news with shocking pictures documenting the death and destruction leveled upon the airport and metro in Brussels. ISIS has already claimed responsibility for this attack, in which early reports indicate more than thirty lives were lost and hundreds injured. Truly a tragedy for the people of Belgium, one their friends around the world mourn with them.

Thousands worldwide have offered condolences and support in the wake of this atrocity, as they have in the past faced with such horrors. Along with sympathies, many have offered up opinions and advice on how to best combat terrorism. Strategies which offer considerably less comfort than found in the heartfelt expressions of sorrow.

In fact, much of of this so called advice is nothing but anti Islamic propaganda meant to further election chances. Not only is that a reprehensible response to such loss, it helps guarantee further condolences will be called for after another attack in the future. (more…)

Rob Ford, RIP

Amid the chaotic and terrible news out of Brussels this morning, a more personal loss was announced in Toronto. City Councillor and former Mayor Rob Ford has passed away at the age of 46, eighteen months after first being diagnosed with cancer.

There are no doubt a number of people in Toronto who hearing the news, found themselves with feelings best described as complicated. It is perhaps natural with the strong response his time in office elicited, some would struggle with the news of his passing. Whatever feelings you may have about his record, remember nothing will change that now.

What has changed is family, friends, and two small children who saw Rob Ford in the same light all of us see our own loved ones have lost him forever. Keeping them in mind, hopefully brings enough perspective to offer genuine condolences for their loss which came far too soon.

I hope his family finds the peace and strength they need, and wish them my deepest condolences for their loss.