
Zuckerberg testifies: Facebook's Oculus VR tech was not stolen

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg took the witness stand in Dallas federal court on Tuesday and denied an allegation by a rival company that the virtual-reality technology of Facebook's Oculus unit was stolen.

Zuckerberg, wearing a dark suit and striped tie rather than his typical T-shirt and jeans, began testifying at 9am local time and two-and-a-half hours later was still answering questions posed by a lawyer for video game publisher ZeniMax Media.

ZeniMax sued Oculus in 2014 as Facebook was in the process of buying the startup for $US2 billion ($2.6 billion). The publisher said that Oculus unlawfully gained access to ZeniMax's intellectual property while developing the VR system that includes the Rift headset.

Zuckerberg told a jury in the crowded courtroom that those claims are false. "Oculus products are based on Oculus technology," he said.

Under questioning from ZeniMax lawyer Tony Sammi, the 32-year-old billionaire addressed how Facebook's investment in virtual reality came together. Zuckerberg said the purchase of Oculus included not only the $US2 billion price but also $US700 million to retain employees and $US300 million in payouts for reaching milestones.

Zuckerberg said the Oculus deal was done over a weekend in 2014, which Sammi said in court does not show due diligence.


At the time, Zuckerberg testified, he was not aware of the claims against Oculus.

"It's pretty common when you announce a big deal that people just come out of the woodwork and claim they own some part of the deal," Zuckerberg said.

The lawsuit, in the sixth day of a jury trial, relates in part to programmer John Carmack.

Well-known for helping to conceive games such as Quake and Doom, Carmack worked for id Software before that company was acquired by ZeniMax. He is now the chief technology officer at Oculus.

Zuckerberg denied that Carmack has used computer code from his previous position to unfairly help Oculus. "There is no shared code in what we do," he said.

Zuckerberg said he has been interested in VR since he was a student, but thought it was decades away from happening before he encountered Oculus.

"We want to get closer to this kind of perfect representation, so you can capture a moment you had," he said.
