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ADL Lists Top 10 Manifestations of Anti-Semitism in 2016

ADL Lists Top 10 Manifestations of Anti-Semitism in 2016

The League issued its top 10 list of manifestations of anti-Semitism that have afflicted Jewish communities across the United States and around the world in 2016. The past year saw the volume of anti-Semitic cyberhate elevated to unprecedented levels.

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Read the first-ever survey of global anti-Semitism

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U.S. Fails to Veto Biased Security Council Resolution Against Israel

ADL condemned the passage of a U.N. Security Council resolution that holds Israel and its settlement policy responsible for the lack of progress on Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, stating that it was outraged with the U.S. failure to veto this “biased and unconstructive” resolution, which only further complicates efforts to renew trust and restart peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians.

Read the Full Statement


“It is deeply troubling that this biased resolution appears to be the final word of the administration on this issue."

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt from an article in The New York Times on the U.N. Security Council vote on Israel

National Director's Blog

Jonathan Greenblatt Portrait

"As Aleppo Burns, We Cannot Stand Idly By"

Mr. Greenblatt takes us through the terror and destruction unfolding in Aleppo, stating that the international community has not done well in preventing genocide and mass murder. However, he says that it’s not too late to act.

Access ADL Blog, December 13, 2016

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