Daily Life

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Don't just have multiple careers, embrace the possibility of living completely different lives

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At my daughter's presentation ceremony the other day, the school principal reminded the kids of that now-familiar truth: they could have multiple careers in their lifetimes.

As I lay in bed that evening, I pondered another truth. It is not just a multitude of careers that await each child. It is a set of completely different lives.

I thought about my own life and how vastly it has transformed. Five years ago, I was in an unhappy marriage, living in a beautiful house that I felt wasn't mine. I felt anxious most of the time and not in control of my own destiny.

Fast forward to now and I am writing this column in my own gorgeous apartment. My family life is peaceful, filled with laughter and punctuated by the purrs of our three-year-old cat. I date and have a bunch of new friends - people who didn't even know me back when I was married.

My life is barely recognisable. I created a whole new reality.

I have always known that dramatic change is possible. I am the great-grandchild of Eastern European immigrants who left their countries with few contacts and even less English. From the shtetls of Russia and Poland, they created businesses and communities and English speaking families. Their worlds towards the end of their lives would have barely resembled the lives into which they were born.


My own parents moved cities with two small children and forged a brand new life with a new set of friends. And my late grandmother lived two entirely different lives within my own lifetime. For my entire childhood, she was a widow after my grandfather died suddenly at 43. She raised her daughters alone, rarely travelled out of Melbourne and cared for her elderly mother.

At 68, after being single for 26 years, she surprised us all by falling in love and remarrying. She and Harry socialised endlessly, travelled around Australia and spent summers at their property in Queensland. They lived their new, adventurous lives well into their nineties.

Life is full of possibility. It is full of change. We assume that our lives are linear, leading from birth to death in some sort of logical progression. But they can meander. They can have sharp twists and turns. They can double back and leap forward and move to another plotline altogether.

Change can be born of restlessness or ambition. I've met people who have left oppressive religious communities to seek freedom in a secular lifestyle. Others have moved from the city to the country, swapping apartment living for a farm or seaside cottage. And then there are the people who move countries, leaving the old behind in search of new possibilities and opportunities.

Change can also arise from pain. Recently I met a newly widowed young mother who is in the process of packing up her life and moving overseas with her two small children. After the death of her husband, she wanted to leave Australia behind and make a brand new start. She has the vision and she has the courage - and she is completely transforming her world.

I want my kids to know that life is big and rich and filled with possibility. Yes, they may have several careers. But they will definitely have several lives. Different households. Different communities. Different beliefs. Different dreams. They will grow and change in ways they can't possibly foresee. They will love people they haven't yet met deeply and be passionate about issues they can't even imagine.

It is easy to believe that life is small when you're in it. But your destiny isn't fixed. Your reality isn't immutable. You can change it at any time.

You can start right now.