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Abandon your scarcity mindset for a life of abundance

Ailan Tran's moment of reckoning came when, one day, she looked around at the European cars in her work car park and realised that her desire for a Mercedes was purposeless.

"I thought, actually, my little Ford Laser is ok," she says from her home in Albany, WA. "The money I had could go to so much of a better use than indulging my ego."

As a newcomer to The Hunger Project's leadership immersion program, which asks Australian women to raise $10,000 to fund women's microfinance projects in Africa and the third world, the hotelier's scarcity mindset hit her between the eyes.

"If we are told we don't have enough, it permeates everything. We don't question our decisions about needing things, we are told we need them," says Tran, who at the time was employed by a mining magnate in Perth and earned a six-figure salary.

"Our relationship with money has been skewed somehow. Over time, money has a power over us – it's a tool that has become a weapon."

Drastic cuts to her usual spending habits followed as she saved money for the project, linking Australian women to those who are less privileged.


"For six months, I didn't buy anything," she says of the challenge. "No shoes, no bags, no make-up, no nothing, and I felt so much more wealthy for it."

Scarcity is something few Australians have truly experienced. Yet many of us have a mentality of needing more, of desiring more and have trouble sharing any form of abundance, whether of recognition, credit, power or profit. It leads, psychologists say, to seeking instant gratification and envy.

Tran's attitude towards scarcity most likely stems from a childhood of having very little. An asylum seeker from Vietnam, Tran "lived in a very restricted world, there was a shortage of everything, food," she remembers. "That may have set up some of my thinking around wealth."

The scarcity mentality's antonym, the abundance mindset, takes a longer term view. Simply because something may be out of reach now does not mean it will never be available. Forget about the things you don't have and focus, instead, on what you do have.

As part of the charity initiative, fundraisers travel to the communities where women are benefiting from their donations, to witness community-led development in action – and to learn from those who have so much less than most in the Western world.

Tran's trip to Ghana in 2010 showed her that women in west Africa "have so little yet they have this abundant mindset, everything is possible".

She met an abandoned mother who, starting from a loan of just $50, has reached the stage of running her own small retail business. In the face of absolute objection and cultural oppression, says Tran, the Ghanaian woman has been able to make valuable change in her community.

Despite her own journey of seeking and securing personal wealth, Tran has learnt from subsequent trips to Bangladesh and Malawi that she has more than enough. It is a message she hopes to spread as a graduate of the leadership program.

Last year, emboldened by women who have so little in material terms, she quit her high-flying job to manage a hotel in WA and, with several small business awards under her belt, says that she now believes that "everybody is capable of leadership acts – you don't need the trappings of leadership that we have in the western world, a car, a house.

"That's not where leadership is. Leadership is the day-to-day acts. It is in calling out bad behaviour, it's helping others, leadership won't be found in these boardrooms, it's on the ground."

She is not alone in coming to terms with her scarcity mindset.

When home schooling her children drew to a close for Jacki Oliver, the teacher and book keeper looked forward, finally, to earning a wage. Instead, she found herself committing to raising funds for a trip to Uganda.

On a whim, she saw The Hunger Project – which is currently recruiting for its Unleashed Women project – as a way to confront her "lifelong feeling of not being enough" and "seeing the glass as half empty, that there's not enough money".

Suddenly having to raise $10,000 was a challenge that was outweighed by her awareness that her mentality was stifling her own potential.

"One of the things that has been coming up strongly over the last few years for me is how privileged we are and how much I have been turning my back on this privilege. I'm not serving anyone by not being grateful for what I have," she says from her home in NSW's Northern Rivers.

Watching the positive, powerful women she met in Uganda last month, says Oliver, was both inspiring and uplifting – and a prompt to make her time count to herself and others. She has enrolled in an Indigenous Studies course at university – something that she once saw as a financially unwise move – and intends to bring The Hunger Project's model to Australian communities.

"I have this opportunity," says Oliver. "[I must] make the most of it."

For both Tran and Oliver, being capable, resourceful, resilient people no longer depends on the money they earn or the objects they buy. It is, they say, about realising how much they can give, simply by rethinking.

"I could see I was living a really abundant life. If you reframe the way you live, it is quite powerful," says an emotional Tran. "We all have first world problems here."