
Super & Funds

Clock ticks on $1 million super deadline

Only five months to go before super contributions caps are lowered

It's the $1 million opportunity – the last hurrah to get a lot of money inside super and take advantage of super's concessional tax rates before July 1 this year.

Is the trend of running out of money in retirement increasing?

Australia is in the top five countries for life expectancy worldwide and Australians aged 64 now can expect to spend ...

As a nation, we're pretty optimistic. We like to think things will turn out for the best, and if they don't, we usually have a back-up plan to see us through. While it's one of the traits I like most about Australian culture, optimism alone doesn't always cut it.

Should you top up your nest egg now?


With law changes looming, this year may be the last opportunity for some to boost their nest egg by making extra contributions into their super fund.

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