
Bernard Zuel

Since joining Fairfax in 1992, Bernard has been an editor and written on education, roads and local politics. These days, he specialises in music and is the senior music writer and reviewer.

There's something about that voice or its owner that can have her demolish a small hill.

Adele review: She's all human - every man and woman would agree

There are bands and (mostly male) artists who have built careers out of being a representative "everyman": one of us, just a bit better paid and housed. There's a couple of generations of Australian frontmen who would never have dared being anything else.

Nate Nott from Polyester Records.

Not a wind up: Cassettes are back, to stay

They were wobbly when old, didn't always sound hi-fi and threatened to self-destruct at any point. Why would anyone want them back? The return of the cheap, portable and small audio tape.

Adele has the biggest tour seen here in a very long time.

Hello 600,000 Australians

Bigger than Bruce, Gunners and Bieber. Bigger even than Ed. Adele is pulling in audiences who may not see another show this year.

James Mercer has found being a father of three girls has made him more sensitive to everyday sexism.

Shins caught in the parent trap

James Mercer's band has been away for nearly five years but some things, like happy/sad pop songs and sexism, are constants in this world.

Jenny Lee Lindberg, the centre of the sound of Warpaint at the Sydney Opera House.

It's all about the bass

In this Los Angeles band it is an instrument normally in the background which leads and creates the room for everyone else.