
Passengers stranded on Movie World ride

Passengers were left stranded on a ride at Movie World on Monday, just days after patrons were rescued from one of the theme park's roller-coasters.

People on the Wild West Falls Adventure Ride were left stuck for 20 minutes after the ride stopped on Monday afternoon.

A Village Roadshow Theme Parks spokesman said in a statement the incident was a "generic ride stoppage".

"Ride stoppages and evacuations are a part of regular operating procedures and are an essential part of ride safety systems," he said.

"Occasionally ride stoppages occur due to environmental and weather factors such as rain, wind and heat, power surges, sensor adjustments and guest behaviour."

No emergency services were called to the theme park.

It is not known what caused the malfunction.

The incident comes just days after 20 people were left stranded above ground on the Arkham Asylum Coaster at Movie World.