October 10, 2015

Oy! She Took My Granddaughter to an Ashram

My daughter-in-law grew up Jew-ish. Her mom is Jewish, her dad is not, and they weren’t observant besides the occasional seder. When she married my son she seemed okay with him wanting to live a more Jewish life — I’m talking about a somewhat observant Reform Jewish life, like how we raised him — and everything seemed great. They sent their kids to a Jewish preschool, are members of a synagogue and observe the big holidays.

In recent years she has become quite, as she puts it, “spiritual,” and is often going to these new age workshops and retreats at ashrams where people talk about their gurus and chant. This summer she brought their 11-year-old daughter with her. Seesaw, at what point does all this spirituality become religious? I know it is not my place to tell her how to live her life or raise their kids, but is it my place to point out that this could be confusing for them, not to mention her?

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