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Global Child Health

Federal Priorities for International Programs

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) works with the U.S. government, other partners, and through the International Pediatric Association to ensure that global health is funded and children everywhere have access to the care they need to survive and live healthy lives. In 2013, 5.9 million children globally died from easily preventable or treatable causes. The United States and its partners have committed to ending preventable maternal and child deaths within a generation. The AAP supports this commitment and advocates for high-quality, high-impact maternal, newborn and child health interventions that save lives, promote healthy development, and strengthen children, families and communities. 

The AAP's federal priorities for global child health include urging Congress to fully fund the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition accounts, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Global Immunization initiatives.

The AAP also helps to raise the profile of interventions and best practices that contribute to conditions for the safe and healthy development of children around the world, and contributes expert advice to relevant plans and policies at the national and international levels.

The AAP advocates for:

Funding Global Child Health Programs

Saving Newborn Lives by increasing impact and expanding access to critical interventions.  The AAP’s own commitments include Helping Babies Breathe.

Keeping Children Healthy by emphasizing child health across sectors and within a continuum of care, from maternal and newborn to child and adolescent health.

Promoting Early Childhood Development by contributing to the health and safety of children, their families and their communities around the world.

Supporting Adolescent Health, including mental health, injury prevention, tobacco prevention and cessation and healthy lifestyles.

The AAP has developed the following global child health issue briefs:

The Reach Every Mother and Child Act

The AAP supports the bipartisan Reach Every Mother and Child Act (H.R. 3706 in the House and S. 1911 in the Senate).  If passed, the Reach Act will:

  • Coordinate a U.S. government strategy to end preventable maternal, newborn, and child deaths and help ensure healthy lives by 2035
  • Require ambitious targets to be set, tracked, and annually reported on
  • Focus on the poorest and most vulnerable populations, recognizing the unique needs within different countries or communities
  • Improve coordination among the U.S. government agencies and relevant foreign governments, international organizations, and civil society.
  • Complement strong U.S. bilateral investments with innovative, public-private financing mechanisms
  • Accelerate partner country progress towards self-sustainability for maternal, newborn, and child health
