
New Year's Eve: 2017 delivers a second chance on day one

Here's hoping you keep yourself nice on New Year's Eve. Because New Year's Day is going to be longer than usual - and you wouldn't want to waste a second.

A bonus second will be added to the world's atomic clocks taking effect at midnight on New Year's Eve, co-ordinated universal time.

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Why do we need leap seconds?

This Tuesday will have one extra second. But why is it necessary and why can it potential cause havoc?

For those living in Melbourne and Sydney, that means there will be 61 seconds in the minute leading up to 11am on New Year's Day. Not that you'll necessarily notice. But it adds up.

"Even though there has only been one second (added) every two years or so, the rate of leap seconds is going to increase over time because the Earth's rotation is slowing," said Michael Wouters, head of time and frequency at the National Measurement Institute.

Dr Wouters will be logging on remotely before and after the leap second is added - just to make sure that the pre-programming of the country's master atomic clock in Sydney works as it should.

The change is all thanks to the delicate adjustments made by the real life timelords working at the France-based International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, who have to ensure the Earth's rotation stays in sync with time.


Rather than the alteration being due to clocks missing a beat, regular adjustments are due to the Earth's slowing rotation.

The drop in pace is due to the planet's rotational momentum constantly being transferred to the moon's orbital momentum - which is speeding up ever so slightly as it slowly pulls away from Earth. All this means Earth takes a little longer to complete a full rotation - or a day.

But Dr Wouters said even if this process ceased, we would still need leap seconds.

"That's because there is a discrepancy between the value that was adopted for the second and what the Earth actually does," he said. "There's no perfect choice because the Earth wobbles all over the place."

There is evidence earthquakes speed up the Earth's rotation while tidal friction, or the interaction between the Earth and the moon, slows it down.

The unpredictable nature of the planet's rotation means there is no pattern or ability to second-guess when the next one might need to be added. Indeed the decision is only ever made six months in advance.

"There is no pattern at all," Dr Wouters said.

Leap seconds are added in either June or December, with the leap second making its debut in 1972. This remains the only year to have had adjustments made in both June and December.

A grand total of 26 seconds have been added since 1972, the most recent on 30 June 2015. Seconds have never been taken away, only added.