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Privacy Statement

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) takes the issue of privacy very seriously. This policy is intended to help you understand how AAP collects, uses, safeguards and discloses the information collected on our Website. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the use or disclosure of information that is collected or obtained through means other than this Website.

AAP reserves the right to revise this privacy statement at any time by posting a revised statement on this Website. Use of this Website after such change signifies the user's acceptance of the changed terms.

Collection of Information

The information we collect generally includes: (1) personal information you supply, and (2) tracking information collected as you navigate through the Website.

Information Collected From You

Visitors may generally browse public portions of the AAP Website anonymously without providing any personal information. However, AAP members are required to provide personal information in connection with registering for or accessing member portions of the site. In addition, personal information will be requested in connection with purchasing products or services, requesting additional information, signing up for newsletters or listservs, participating in forums, submitting questions, or otherwise to participate in this Website. AAP will endeavor to correct, update or remove collected personal data if contacted (

Information Collected Through Technology

Primarily to tailor the Website to your needs, AAP collects information using technology, such as IP addresses and cookies. For example, your IP address provides AAP with non-personally identifiable information about how you entered the Internet, namely through your Internet service provider, your company or some other source, and can permit AAP to identify the frequency with which you visit the Website. Standard features in Internet browser software such as "cookies" allow Websites to track certain user activities by assigning each of our visitors a unique number that resides on your computer. AAP uses cookies to make the Website more interesting and useful and to provide our visitors with notice of products and services which may be of interest (for example, cookies let us know which of our sites you have been visiting and which you have not).  AAP may use "cookie" technology to obtain non-personal information from its on-line visitors. AAP servers may also collect the IP addresses and domain names of visitors for site administration purposes. AAP does not extract personal information in these processes.  AAP may use some of the information collected through technology and tie back that information to personally identifiable information that you provide voluntarily on the Website to provide you with information about products and services that may be of interest to you.

More specifically the AAP uses cookies for analytics and marketing.

1. Analytical Purposes: We use cookies from as Google Analytics and other third party partners to analyze user activity in order to improve the website. For example, using cookies we can look at aggregate patterns like how many pages users visit, how long they visit, and what link brought them to our site. We can use such analysis to gain insights about how to improve the functionality and user experience of the website.

2. Marketing: We use cookies from Google AdWords and other third party partners for marketing purposes. These cookies allow us to display promotional material to you on other sites you visit across the web.

More Specifically AAP collects data about your activities that does not personally or directly identify you when you visit our website or other the websites where we display advertisement. The information we do collect may include the content you view, the date and time you view this content, the products you purchase, and the location information associated with your IP address. We use the information we collect to serve you more relevant advertisements (referred to as Retargeting). We also collect information about where you saw the ads we serve you and what ads you clicked on.

For more information about how Google uses data collected from our website visit Googles Privacy Policy.

Users can opt out of Google's use of cookies by visiting Google's Ads Settings.

Alternatively, users can choose to opt out of a third-party vendor's use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.

Information Is Not Collected On-Line From Children Under 13

AAP does not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information on-line from children under the age of 13.

Security Measures

AAP uses firewalls, vulnerability scans and secure server encryption technology to protect personally identifiable information.  AAP also employs internal physical and technologic security measures to detect and block unauthorized intrusions to its computer systems.  However, while we employ reasonable security  measures to protect your personal information, please be aware that no method of electronic transmission is completely infallible, and we cannot guarantee its absolute safety.

AAP Use of Information

Any information collected on the Website will be used by the AAP for (i) the purpose stated at the time of collection,  (ii) AAP to contact you about AAP products and services and third-party products that may be of interest to you, and (iii) to create mailing lists which are used by AAP for marketing and advertising. At the time that you provide your personal information, you can opt-out of AAP e-mail lists if you do not want to receive e-mail communications from AAP. AAP members may be automatically added to AAP e-mail lists or certain other private lists if AAP has an e-mail address for the member. E-mail addresses may be removed from AAP e-mail lists at any time by following the applicable opt-out procedure specified in the list welcome message or by contacting the AAP Listmaster and specifying the name of the list. ​

​April 2016