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Get Involved

​​​​​​​​​​Don’t just join the AAP…get involved and become empowered!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Pediatric generalists and subspecialists do remarkable things for children through their involvement with the AAP.  You can make connections you didn’t know were possible and advance your career through a variety of engagement opportunities. 

National Committees​ provide a valuable venue for growth and involvement.  Committees develop the majority of policy statements and guidelines published by the AAP, and author books based on their topic area of expertise.  Committee positions are board appointed.  Learn more about the process.  ​​​

The AAP Board of Directors is soliciting nominations to fill the following vacancies for Member positions on AAP National Committees for terms beginning July 1, 2017:

  • Committee on Bioethics (COB)
  • Committee on Coding and Nomenclature (COCN)
  • Committee on Continuing Medical Education (COCME)
  • Committee on Development (CODe)
  • Committee on Drugs (COD)
  • Committee on Infectious Diseases (COID)
  • Committee on Membership (COM)
  • Committee on Native American Child Health (CONACH)
  • Committee on Nutrition (CON)
  • Committee on Pediatric Workforce (COPW)
  • Committee on Practice & Ambulatory Medicine (COPAM)
  • Committee on State Government Affairs (COSGA)
  • Committee on Substance Use and Prevention (COSUP)
  • Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health (COPACFH)
  • Committee on Pediatric Research (COPR)
  • Committee on Medical Liability and Risk Management (COMLRM)

​Application materials (factsheet, biographical summary, and sample nomination/self-nomi​​​nation forms) for these positions are available on the AAP Member Center​, along with the statement of needs and requirements for each Committee vacancy. Upon receipt of an application, a request for Conflict of Interest Disclosure will be sent to the candidate which will finalize the application process.

Members of AAP National Committees are re-appointed every two years and may be re-appointed up to three times for a total of six years. Committee member appointments are made on the basis of knowledge, expertise, and the documented needs of the Committee. Within this context, Academy membership demographics such as professional activity, gender, ethnicity, and geographical distribution will be considered, as well as chapter activity.

The deadline for nominations for 2017 positions is Friday February 24, 2017 (midnight CDT). Nominees must submit the completed application materials to their Chapter President and the AAP (

The AAP Board of Directors will meet in May 2017 to review nominations and make final appointments.

Thank you for your review and contribution to the nominations process of AAP National Committees for the 2017 term. Please email any questions to​.​

Councils and Sections​ provide a venue for members to get involved in advocacy, education, leadership, and research around a specific specialty, area of interest or career stage.  Many are responsible for policy development and review, public education, and providing expertise. JOIN A COUNCIL OR SECTION NOW​.

​Although separately incorporated, state-based Chapters offer local education, leadership, and involvement in state and local advocacy.

Other projects and opportunities for involvement:


Mentorship is one of the most important tools for professional development and has been linked to greater productivity, career advancement, and professional satisfaction. The AAP recognizes that mentorship is critical in helping to nurture and grow future leaders and it is a key opportunity to engage existing members. If you are interested in becoming a mentor or participating as a mentee, email with their request to participate. Once AAP membership is verified, the member will receive an email invitation that provides login information, instructions on creating an account, and access to the online matching form. Please note that every applicant may not be matched during our initial launch of this online service. For more information, please visit our mentorship program overview page.


There are currently a couple of areas to increase your leadership skills. Check back often as we develop additional leadership resources and opportunities for training.


The Academy offers many opportunities on a variety of levels for members to get engaged around. Below is listing of a majority of those opportunities. However, also be sure to check with your local chapter or with the section/council that you belong to for additional opportunities.

Quality Improvement Innovation Networks (QuIIN) for members interested in improving the quality and delivery of pediatric care in outpatient and inpatient clinical settings. ​

Information on abstract​ submission.​

“Look to the AAP to get involved nationally. There’s no question that the volunteer work I’ve done with the AAP has completely changed the trajectory of my career. I’m in the position right now, a couple years out of training that I would have hope to be in 10-15 years from now.” - Dan Schumacher, MD, MEd, FAAP