Northern Ireland heads to early polls in shadow of Brexit after Sinn Fein split

Northern Ireland heads to early polls in shadow of Brexit after Sinn Fein split

Dublin: Voters in Northern Ireland will go to the polls on March 2 in a snap election that was forced by the main Catholic party, Sinn Fein, after the collapse of a regional government in which Catholics and Protestants shared power.

The election will be held in the shadow of uncertainty over Britain's planned withdrawal from the European Union, a move that is broadly unpopular in Northern Ireland. Though a majority of Britons voted in a June referendum for the Brexit, as the withdrawal is known, the vote in Northern Ireland was 56 per cent to 44 per cent against.

Many in the region fear that security and customs checks will be reimposed along the border with Ireland, harming the economy, escalating tensions and threatening a return to sectarian conflict.

Sinn Fein hopes to use the snap election to gain clout and weaken its unionist opponents, especially the Democratic Unionist Party, which holds the most seats in the regional Assembly, with Sinn Fein in second place. The unionists are allied in London with the Conservative Party, which is pursuing Brexit, while Sinn Fein wants Northern Ireland to stay in the EU and eventually reunite with Ireland.

DUP leader and Northern Ireland First Minister Arlene Foster holds a press conference  on January 10 following Martin McGuinness' resignation.

DUP leader and Northern Ireland First Minister Arlene Foster holds a press conference on January 10 following Martin McGuinness' resignation.Credit:Getty Images

The political crisis in the North was precipitated last week when Sinn Fein's leader, Martin McGuinness, resigned as deputy first minister. Under the 1998 Good Friday Agreement that ended decades of sectarian conflict in the region, if Sinn Fein did not nominate a replacement for McGuinness within seven days, a new election would have to be called. The party let that deadline pass Monday.

The stated reason for his resignation was to protest what he called the mishandling of a regional renewable energy program. The program had been set up by the first minister, Arlene Foster, leader of the Democratic Unionists, and ran hundreds of millions of pounds over budget.

Critics have accused Foster and her team of corruption and mismanagement of the energy program, and Sinn Fein has demanded that she step aside while the program is investigated; she has refused.

The Assembly was elected in early May, about seven weeks before the Brexit referendum; its term was due to run until 2021. The secretary of state for Northern Ireland, James Brokenshire, announced the dissolution of the Assembly and the timing of the early election on Monday evening.

Martin McGuinness, right, and Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams after the Brexit vote in June, 2015, which Sinn Fein opposed.

Martin McGuinness, right, and Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams after the Brexit vote in June, 2015, which Sinn Fein opposed.Credit:Charles McQuillan

After McGuinness resigned last week, the Democratic Unionists tried to persuade Sinn Fein not to force an early election by restoring a government subsidy for study of the Irish language that Sinn Fein favoured. UK Prime Minister Theresa May also held talks with Foster and McGuinness on Monday in hopes of resolving the crisis. But the Sinn Fein leader remained adamant.

"In conversations this morn with the British PM and her secretary of state, I said society and I felt badly let down by both the DUP and the British government," McGuinness said on Twitter.

Former Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness in effect triggered the snap poll with his resignation.

Former Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness in effect triggered the snap poll with his resignation.Credit:Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

There is little sign that Northern Ireland has been a significant concern in London as the British government works out its strategy for Brexit. But the political crisis in Belfast may prevent May from formally beginning the Brexit process in March, as she intends. The Supreme Court is considering whether she needs the consent of the Northern Ireland Assembly to formally set the process in motion by invoking a European Union treaty provision known as Article 50.

Support is growing in Northern Ireland for political parties that have no sectarian links, but even so, Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionists are expected to emerge once again as the two leading parties after the election. They will then have three weeks to form a new government - a process likely to be acrimonious, especially if the Democratic Unionists lose seats, as is widely expected.

Democratic Unionist Party leader Arlene Foster (L) walks past a painting of Ian Paisley at Stormont on January 11, 2016.

Democratic Unionist Party leader Arlene Foster (L) walks past a painting of Ian Paisley at Stormont on January 11, 2016.Credit:Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

Foster, the Democratic Unionist leader, accused Sinn Fein of putting its partisan interests ahead of the public good.

"They have forced an election that risks Northern Ireland's future and its stability, and suits nobody apart from themselves," she said.

In his announcement, Brokenshire appealed for calm: "While it is inevitable that debate during an election period will be intense, I would strongly encourage the political parties to conduct this election with a view to the future of Northern Ireland and re-establishing a partnership government at the earliest opportunity after that poll."


The Irish foreign minister, Charlie Flanagan, also called for party leaders in the North to "come together respectfully, in accordance with the principles of the Good Friday Agreement, to deliver solutions for all of the people of Northern Ireland".

New York Times

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