Donald Trump meets nemesis, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim; he's 'wonderful'

President-elect Donald Trump, who denounced Mexico and Mexicans in his election campaign, has met the country's leading ...
President-elect Donald Trump, who denounced Mexico and Mexicans in his election campaign, has met the country's leading businessman, Carlos Slim. AP
by Evan Halper

Donald Trump has decided that Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, one of his favourite villains during the presidential election, might not be so bad after all. He's even "wonderful," Trump now says.

The two dined together Saturday at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, after which Trump had only nice things to say about Slim. Trump described the interaction with his erstwhile nemesis as "a lovely dinner with a wonderful man."

This is not how Trump talked about Slim, one of the world's richest men, during the election.

The Mexican billionaire was a regular target of the then-GOP nominee because of his large ownership stake in The New York Times. Add to that Slim's generous contributions to the Clinton Foundation and his citizenship in the country Trump revelled in attacking, and he made for good fodder at Trump rallies.

When Trump objected to The Times' coverage of his campaign - and its reporting on the allegations by multiple women of past inappropriate sexual advances by Trump - he alleged it was all part of a conspiracy cooked up by Slim. Trump called the outlet's reporters "corporate lobbyists for Carlos Slim and for Hillary Clinton."

The Times called Trump's charges a fabrication, saying Slim had never inserted himself in editorial decision making there. And Trump offered no evidence to the contrary. A spokesman for Slim said at the time the two had never met, and the Mexican businessman had no interest in involving himself in the US election.

Now they've met. The takeaway from the meeting, though, is murky.

Maybe it indicates Trump is softening his posture toward Mexico - or maybe it just indicates billionaires enjoy the company of other billionaires.

Separately in Mexico City, it appears that Slim's telecoms investment, America Movil, is back in the good books.

After eight straight quarters of declines, America Movil's profit margin have sunk to a level the government finds acceptable.

Margins in the industry are now close to what phone companies get in other parts of the world, and regulators should ensure they stay there, Deputy Telecommunications Minister Monica Aspe said in an interview.

"We used to have extraordinary, monopolistic margins," Aspe said. "What we have today is more in line with the global industry, but they are still healthy.

"Indeed, it's very important to maintain them," she said.

While the comments signal that the government won't push to compress margins further, they offer little relief for investors whose shares have been battered by regulatory pressure on Slim's company. America Movil's margin on Mexican earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation is down to 33 percent this year, compared with 47 percent in 2013.

America Movil didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

with Bloomberg