Shell: Vic customers paying $6-$7 too much for gas

Gas producers are at odds with the Victorian government as to the price impact of drilling bans.
Gas producers are at odds with the Victorian government as to the price impact of drilling bans. Glenn Campbell

Wholesale gas prices in Victoria could be up to $7 a gigajoule cheaper were the Victorian government to lift its bans on onshore drilling and development, Shell Australia has claimed, escalating a row with the state over energy costs.

The latest estimate of the huge hit to prices from the state's restrictions came as industry joined the call to open up access to onshore gas resources and cut the cost of energy for businesses and households.

Shell Australia chairman Andrew Smith said the gas bans in Victoria imposed a "double whammy" on Victorian customers. Not only would customers be forced to buy their gas from Queensland in peak periods and pay transportation costs to get it carried more than 2000 kilometres south, but producing gas in Queensland was higher than at conventional fields in Victoria, he said.

"The $3 to $3.50 [per gigajoule] to transport gas to Victoria means transport will add at least 30 per cent to the price of gas – a cost that will be passed on to consumers," Mr Smith said, reiterating it would cost jobs.

"The opportunity for Victoria if it opens up its own industry, is the market will price gas at cost minus the transport to Queensland.

"With competition from a healthy functioning market the wholesale price of gas in Victoria could be as much as $7 cheaper than it would be with bans in place – a situation that will reduce costs to the manufacturing sector and make them more competitive."

Shell's calculation is based on the reasoning that if the onshore gas bans were lifted, the LNG "netback" price in Queensland – the price of LNG sold from Gladstone less the costs of gas processing and transport – would still set the east coast wholesale price because of the sheer volume of gas being used in LNG.

It argues that with no bans, a southern gas supplier such as the Esso-BHP Billiton Bass Strait offshore venture would sell gas locally in Victoria at that price minus the cost of getting the gas to Queensland, its alternative market.

That points to gas prices on the spot market in Victoria potentially being as low as $3.50-$4 a gigajoule rather than around $10 or more with the drilling bans in place. The Victorian wholesale price was $9.10 a gigajoule on Thursday.

Lakes Oil, an explorer that has been forced to defer its plans to develop onshore gas fields in Victoria, has also argued the bans inflate prices. Lakes chief executive Roland Sleeman said a situation where there was more gas on offer than the market needed would see companies "prepared to compete potentially down to their cost of production".

Victoria's acting Resources Minister Phil Dalidakis has rebuffed claims that the drilling restrictions are affecting prices, shifting the blame to the Queensland LNG projects, one of which is owned by Shell.

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry head James Pearson said the bans were "clearly creating pressure in the market".

"What concerns me is that we're seeing state and territory governments take a sledgehammer rather than a scalpel to this issue," Mr Pearson said, calling for onshore gas projects to be assessed using a risk-based, case-by-case approach.

Northern Territory has a ban on fracking while Tasmania and NSW also have restrictions that are keeping onshore gas in the ground.

Industry group Gas Energy Australia backed a call by federal Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg for a national approach to gas, including action by states and territories to unlock gas reserves. But the Australian Workers Union used the flare-up of worries over gas to reiterate its call for protectionist gas reservation policies that would favour Australian gas users over exports.