Deloitte discriminated against employee suffering tuberculosis, tribunal finds

Big accounting firm Deloitte has been ordered to pay Paige Choi to compensate for the unpaid leave she was forced to ...
Big accounting firm Deloitte has been ordered to pay Paige Choi to compensate for the unpaid leave she was forced to take when suffering TB. Edwina Pickles

A Deloitte accountant who suffered from tuberculosis has won a disability discrimination claim against her former employer after a long legal battle.

On Thursday, the NSW civil and administrative tribunal found Deloitte pressured former employee Paige Choi to take unpaid leave and unfairly performance managed her because she had tuberculosis. Ms Choi was a manager in Deloitte's Assurance and Advisory practice.

The tribunal ordered the firm to pay her $14,304.69 to compensate for the unpaid leave she took because of her illness and $10,000 for "non-economic loss".

The firm was ordered to also pay her $36,000, being the difference between her usual salary and the workers compensation payment she received. The tribunal rejected her claim for special damages, legal fees and counselling costs.

Deloitte partner Geoff Lamont admitted he "floated" the idea she should find a less stressful job.
Deloitte partner Geoff Lamont admitted he "floated" the idea she should find a less stressful job. LinkedIn

Ms Choi told The Australian Financial Review on Thursday she was "relieved" to hear the tribunal found in her favour even though the compensation will only cover about a third of her legal costs and expenses.

"It's better than nothing, it's a moral victory. They shouldn't be able to get away with stuff like this," she said.

Deloitte said in a statement on Thursday: "We are disappointed in this outcome. Deloitte takes its commitment to providing an inclusive and diverse workplace for all of our people seriously. Deloitte will carefully consider the tribunal's decision before deciding what steps it may take next."

'For the sake of the team'

Ms Choi developed tuberculosis in November 2012 and was hospitalised. On November 23, 2012, while she was in hospital, human resources staff Susan Bevan called Ms Choi.

Ms Choi alleges the telephone conversation was the first indication she may be "eased out" from her employment. She claimed Ms Bevan suggested three options to her: taking unpaid leave, working part-time or resigning.

Deloitte argued they put four options to Ms Choi, namely she could return to her usual full-time position providing she first produced a medical certificate saying she was fit to return.

The tribunal found Deloitte offered her one of the three options rather than returning to work full-time. The tribunal also found the part-time option was never fleshed out at any point and "realistically" Deloitte only presented Ms Choi with just two options: take unpaid leave or resign.

Three days later, just after she was discharged from the hospital, she spoke to Deloitte partner Geoff Lamont on the phone. Ms Choi says Mr Lamont asked her to take time off as unpaid leave "for the sake of the team". Mr Lamont denied he coerced her in any way to take unpaid leave, but he thought it was a very "mature" response for her to take time off.

Ms Choi subsequently took unpaid leave as suggested by Mr Lamont.

The tribunal found Mr Choi took the rest of the year off and only returned to work in the new year because she felt pressure to agree to the unpaid leave.

Ms Choi's doctor had produced a series of certificates stating the particular type of TB she had was not contagious, she should have no problem returning to work although she may need reduced duties and may need some time off for medical reviews in the following six months.

Performance management 'engineered by management'

Ms Choi also alleged when she returned to work in January 2013, Mr Lamont suggested she should resign and look for a 9 to 5 job elsewhere. Mr Lamont admitted to the tribunal he "floated" the idea she should find a less stressful job.

The tribunal found when she returned to work, she was allocated a series of largely administrative tasks and not nearly as busy as when she was working for clients and it "does not make sense" to assess only the work she performed during a time she was neither very busy nor conducting her usual work duties.

The tribunal also found before her illness, she had a favourable performance review and had been nominated for an award for her work.

The tribunal found the performance management process was "engineered by management to put pressure" on Ms Choi to resign.

The tribunal said another employee of similar skills, qualification and experience as Ms Choi without tuberculosis would not have been coerced into taking unpaid leave, would not have been performance managed the way Ms Choi was and would not have been pressured to resign.

Ms Choi now works for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.