Angela Merkel seeks to ease Europe's fears on Trump NATO and car tariff comments

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is stressing ahead of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration her conviction that ...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is stressing ahead of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration her conviction that the world's problems need solving in cooperation, rather than by each country individually. Oliver Dietze
by Justin Huggler and Roland Oliphant

 Germany sought to calm European anxieties over Donald Trump's presidency yesterday after he dismissed Nato as "obsolete", proposed a tariff on european made cars and said he believed the EU would break up.

"I believe we Europeans have our fate in our own hands," Angela Merkel said in Berlin. "I'm personally going to wait until the American president takes office, and then we will naturally work with him on all levels and see what kind of agreements we can reach."

Mrs Merkel spoke out after comments by Mr Trump in a joint interview with The Times and Germany's Bild newspaper unnerved governments across the continent and caused panicked meetings in Brussels. In the Bild interview Mr Trump also appear to take aim at Americans buying European cars saying that the trade relationship was "out of balance" between Germany and the US.

"If you go down Fifth Avenue everyone has a Mercedes Benz in front of his house, isn't that the case?" Mr Trump told Bild. "How many Chevrolets do you see in Germany? Not very many, maybe none at all … it's a one-way street."

Sigmar Gabriel vice-chancellor of Germany hit back against Donlad Trump
Sigmar Gabriel vice-chancellor of Germany hit back against Donlad Trump Michael Kappeler

Mr Trump also said he would introduce a 35 per cent tariff on imported cars, a move that unnerved European leaders and auto manufacturers.

"If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 per cent tax," he said in the remarks translated into German.

"I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that," Mr Trump said.

His remarks drew a sharp rebuke from German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel that the US should "build better cars"

"The US car industry would have a bad awakening if all the supply parts that aren't being built in the US were to suddenly come with a 35 per cent tariff. I believe it would make the US car industry weaker, worse and above all more expensive", Mr Gabriel said.

Astonishment and anxiety

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the German foreign minister, spoke of "astonishment and anxiety" among European leaders at the president-elect's comments. "I've spoken today not only with EU foreign ministers but Nato foreign ministers as well, and can report that the signals are that there's been no easing of tensions," he said.

Days before his inauguration, Mr Trump praised Brexit as a "great thing" and said he believed other countries would follow Britain out of the EU.

Speaking at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels, France's Jean-Marc Ayrault said the best response to Mr Trump's interview was a united Europe. But it was Mr Trump's comment that Nato is "obsolete, because it was designed many, many years ago" that caused most concern among European leaders, reigniting fears that the US could split the alliance under his leadership.

"Since the Second World War, the presence of US troops has been a prerequisite for rebuilding the continent, safeguarding peace and ensuring security," Dalia Grybauskaite, the Lithuanian foreign minister, said. "We expect continuity from the new US administration. Mr Trump must maintain this leadership role to ensure security, stability and peace."

Future of NATO

Mr Trump's comments were in stark contrast to those of James Mattis, his newly appointed defence secretary, at his Senate confirmation hearing last week. "If we did not have Nato today, we would have to create it," General Mattis said, and EU leaders were pinning their hopes on his view prevailing.

"We are working on the basis that Trump will listen to Mattis, Rex Tillerson [the incoming secretary of state] and foreign policy Republicans," a senior EU diplomat told Reuters.

General Mattis accused Russian leader Vladimir Putin of seeking to "break the North Atlantic alliance", and Russia was quick to support Mr Trump's latest comments. "Nato is, indeed, a vestige of the past and we agree with that. We have long been speaking about our views on this organization," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

But the Kremlin was cooler in its response to Mr Trump's suggestion of sanctions relief in exchange for an arms control deal. "Let's wait until he assumes office before we give assessment to any initiatives," Mr Peskov said.

Mrs Merkel's office said she was working to set up a meeting with Mr Trump. But the German chancellor's relations with the new American president appear to have started poorly after he accused her of a very catastrophic mistake" in opening Germany's doors to asylum seekers.Mrs Merkel said Mr Trump was confusing taking in refugees fleeing war with being soft on terrorism..

With Reuters

The Telegraph, London