A student org of game makers and fans.

Everyone is welcome, even non-students!

Visit in person

Thursdays at 7:30pm
San José State University
MLK Library Mezzanine

Make a game

Never made a game before? Go to  sortingh.at, it's the fastest way to start.


+ Add a Game

Sep 22, 2016

Game Dev Updates - 9/22

Hiii everyone!

Just a short update today.

We're going to be meeting in the Mezzanine from 7:30pm to 9:30pm today (9/22).

In today's meeting we're going to break down a game's Mechanics.

We're also going to be having group presentations! You guys will be discussing what type of games you are currently working on and some of the mechanics that go into it.

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us at sjsugamedev@gmail.com,
or join us on our discord channel:

-Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Secretary of Game Dev. Club

Sep 1, 2016

Game Dev Updates - Still Need Volunteers!

Hii everyone!
Hope your second week of class is going well!

For this week (9/1) we will be meeting in the Mezzanine of the MLK library from 7:30pm to 9:00pm.

Just a reminder, we still need members to table for these dates: 9/6 (Tuesday) and 9/8 (Thursday) after 10:00am. If you table for 6 hours you will get a free T-Shirt! We will have an hours roster for you to sign up.

Also, you should be thinking about who you will be forming a group with if you haven't done so already. In addition, you will be naming your groups so try to think up something fun as a team.

Teams will also be presenting preliminary game designs this week (you will be making them on the fly) so just have an idea on what type of game you want to work on so that you can discuss with your team.

In addition, there will also be some seminars in the next coming weeks:

-MDA Primer, Concepts in game Mechanics seminar Sept 8

-Unity Dev Day seminar on the week of the 15th

Lastly, We now have Mentors on the Discord channel and they're designated in green. Feel free to ask them any questions you might have!
Here's the link to the discord if you haven't joined already: https://discordapp.com/invite/9zwfgFg

If you have any questions feel free to comment or e-mail us at sjsugamedev@gmail.com!~

Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Secretary of Game Dev. Club

Aug 18, 2016

Game Dev Updates - A New Year!

Hello everybody!
It's been a while, I hope you've been enjoying your summer!

Our first meeting for the Fall 2016 Semester will be on August 25th, from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. It's going to be in the Mezzanine area of the Martin Luther King Library on the first floor.

Just wanted to let you know about a few things before the semester starts:

- We have a new club Discord channel, it's similar to teamspeak and offers Voice chat and slack-like communications. It also works in an internet browser or you can download the app itself. We'd like all members to join at this link here: https://discord.gg/9zwfgFg

- There are free t-shirts for the people who originally signed up for them last year.

- Also, we need help with tabling for the club in the coming weeks. We will be giving T-Shirts to those who don't have them and choose to table for the club for a total of 6 hours in the first weeks of tabling (~1.25 hours per day). You can sign-up here: https://goo.gl/forms/vngMmQPcsk8kYrkO2

- To those who can, please attend the Teen HQ's Reopening this Saturday 8/20/2016 at 11:00am for free food and to check out where the club will be housed this semester! Show our support for our fantastic library and staff!

If you have any questions you can leave a comment or send us an e-mail at sjsugamedev@gmail.com

With Love,
Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Secretary of Game Development Club

Stay Dead

Just keep your health at zero.


Made for Miscellaneous


An intended Art game based on my friend's life.


Made for Miscellaneous

May 12, 2016

Game Dev Updates - NEW OFFICERS


President: Andriew Ajemian
Treasurer: Saajan Bariana
Secretary: Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Vice President: Jeff Jose
Head Webmaster: Grant Haack
Head Graphic Designer: Elmer Wang
Videographer: Elmer Wang
Communications Officer: Daniel Gonzalez
Internal Event Coordinator: Antonio Jimenez
Media Coordinator: Andrew Yobs

With love,
Antonio Jimenez
Resigning President of SJSU Game Dev Club

May 10, 2016

Game Dev Updates - Officer Elections!

Hiii everyone!
This for this week's meeting (5/12) we will be in room 163 of DMH from 7:30pm to 9:30pm and this will be the last meeting for this semester, since finals are next week.

During this meeting we will be holding officer elections!
To those of you running you must have a short speech about why they are good for the position. ALSO, you must be present to be able to vote.
(However there can be certain instances where you may be able to vote if you are not there, message the sjsugamedev@gmail.com)

After the officer elections it's going to be a relaxing day, so bring your video games and board games!

Finally, Wave Engine is hosting a Game Developers Contest running from May 1st to October 31st, for more details you can look at this website here: https://www.waveengine.net/Contests
and 1st prize is $15,000 USD

If you have any questions you can leave a comment or send us an e-mail at sjsugamedev@gmail.com

May 3, 2016

Game Dev Updates - Game Presentations and Officer Elections

Hey everybody!

For this Thursday (5/5) we're meeting in the library room 213 from 7:30pm to 10:00pm.

This meeting we will be showing off the games that were made for the game challenge.

ALSO, we're going to be talking about OFFICER ELECTIONS, and if you're interested in becoming an officer you can sign up here! https://goo.gl/bLS4PL

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us at sjsugamedev@gmail.com

Apr 28, 2016

Game Dev Updates - FUN NIGHT @ FLAMES

Hey everybody!
Just a reminder there will not be an official meeting this THURSDAY (4/28) instead it will be on FRIDAY (4/29) in room 322 of the Business Building from 7:30pm to 9:30pm and it will just be a work day.

HOWEVER, we are going to have a fun night tonight (4/28), at Flames Eatery & Bar at 8:00pm. It's right across the street from the library on the corner of 4th and East San Fernando St.

Also you don't have to buy anything but they have pretty good food and you don't have to be over 21.

If you have any other questions feel free to e-mail us at sjsugamedev@gmail.com or leave us a comment!

Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Secretary of Game Dev. Club

Apr 28, 2016



There will NOT be a meeting on THURSDAY this week due to me forgetting to schedule a room (lo siento). HOWEVER, there will be a meeting on FRIDAY in room 322 of the Business Building from 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm (You can come an hour earlier if you’d like) (I’m so sorry). It will be a general work day, so if you need a room to do things in, come right over (Again, I’m sorry).

Also, the game challenge is coming to an end on May 5th (Just an fyi. Sorry about pushing the meeting date to Friday). If you have forgotten the theme, the theme is “Breaking the 4th wall”.


Thank you for your time and I’m sorry,
Antonio Jimenez
Sorry President of SJSU Game Development Club

Apr 20, 2016

Game Dev. Updates - Meeting location

Hello everyone!
Just to let you know this week's meeting on 4/21 will take place in the library room 213 from 7:30 - 10:00pm.

Also, Extra Life is hosting a “Design our T for a trip to E3” contest. Basically just send in a T-shirt design for the Official Extra Life 2016 Platinum T-shirt and if you win, you and a friend get airfare, two nights at a nearby hotel and passes to E3 2016 (which takes place June 14 - 16, in Los Angeles, California).
More details may be found at this URL: http://community.extra-life.org/articles.html/contests/win-a-trip-to-e3-...

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment, or send us an e-mail at sjsugamedev@gmail.com

Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Secretary of Game Dev. Club

Apr 7, 2016

Game Dev Updates - Short Announcement

Hello everyone!
Just a short announcement today, this meeting (4/7) we're meeting in the library, in room 213 from 7:30pm to 10:00pm.

During this meeting we're going to have a light discussion of the future of game dev. and there will be food!

Also if you went to GDC, and turned in your receipt we have the reimbursement checks for you.

Lastly, there's an online game jam going on right now, Low Rez Jam 2016, it's from 4/1 to 4/17, and here's the website for more information:

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us at sjsugamedev@gmail.com or leave a comment :)

Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Secretary of Game Dev. Club

Mar 23, 2016

Game Dev Updates - Before Spring Break!

Hi everyone!
This for this meeting Thursday (3/24), we're going to be meeting in room 213 in the library from 7:30pm to 10:00pm!

For those of you that had gone to GDC last week, (3/18), we need you to bring your reciepts from that so that you can be reimbursed.

ALSO, we're going to be showing off our games from the game challenge "The Illusion of Choice" this meeting too and since spring break is just after Thursday, we'll be taking it easy this meeting, so bring your video and board games!

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us at sjsugamedev@gmail.com
or leave a comment!

Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Secretary of Game Dev. Club

Mar 15, 2016

Game Dev Updates - Help Please!

What's up everybody!

Like before this meeting (3/17) is going to be taking place in DMH 163, from 7:30pm to 9:30pm.

The Game Challenge "illusion of choice" is going to be ending next week and not this week, and this meeting is just going to be a work day to work on games.

On Wednesday (3/16), We need help from 10am to 1pm in moving the arcade cabinets from Cafe Stritch to the convention center in preparation for Silicon Valley Comic-Con (SVCC).

Also, yeah we're going to be at SVCC (3/18 - 3/20)!
And we need volunteers to watch the arcade cabinets, you can sign up here:

Also, a reminder about GDC (website: http://www.gdconf.com/), you have to sign a waiver and pay upfront in person (it's $79.00), and keep the receipt in order to be reimbursed. You will have to find your own transportation there though.

If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email at sjsugamedev@gmail.com or leave us a comment.

Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Secretary of Game Dev. Club

Mar 9, 2016

Game Dev Updates - March Events!!

Heya everybody!

First things first, this meeting (3/10) is going to be taking place in DMH 163, from 7:30pm to 9:30pm.
During this meeting we will be having a gamemaker tutorial, and you can pre-download the assets for it here:

The Game Challenge "illusion of choice" is also ending next week, but there's a possibility of extending it.

In addition, we have our very own t-shirts and they look like this: http://puu.sh/mVdDN/2629839530.jpg,
the sizes run up to XL, and if you're interested in getting one you can sign-up here: www.goo.gl/nr9pZF.

ALSO, there are a lot of events going on this month so I'll keep it short and sweet.

- Website: http://rockagesj.tumblr.com/
- Date: 3/11 - 3/13
- Cost: $32.64 (3-day pass)
- Location: Cafe Stritch, Metro News, SoFA Market, The Ritz, & AFKgg

+ Interested in Volunteering for Rockage?
- Sign-up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tdzkz7JcKTMViLeRh_eBWhKSPS741q_9...
- You must also sign a waiver sheet to volunteer
- Volunteer times are in 1 hour chunks
- If you volunteer for Rockage you also get priority to volunteer for SVCC

-Game Developers Conference (GDC)
- Website: http://www.gdconf.com/
- Date: 3/18/16
- Cost: $79.00
- Location (Moscone Center; San Francisco, CA)

+ Additional Details for GDC:
- You have to pay for your own ticket upfront and keep the receipt for it to be reimbursed
- Sign a waiver sheet, WHICH WILL BE PASSED OUT THIS MEETING (3/10).
- You must find / pay for your own transportation to the venue.

-Silicon Valley Comic Con (SVCC)
- Website: http://svcomiccon.com/
- Date: 3/18 - 3/20
- Cost: $99.00 (3-day pass)
- Location: San Jose Convention Center

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us at sjsugamedev@gmail.com, or leave a comment.

With love,
Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Secretary of Game Dev. Club

Mar 2, 2016

Game Dev Updates - GameMaker Tutorial and other Junk

Hiiiii everyoneee,
For this upcoming meeting (3/3) we are meeting in DMH 163, from 7:30pm to 9:30pm, and we're having a gamemaker tutorial during this meeting. So be sure to come with Gamemaker already installed. Ricky also linked some sample code to look over before the tutorial (to make things easier during the presentation).

GM File (code can be found in the object “obj_pc”):


Also, here are some things to sign up for if you're interested!

-Game Developers Conference (March 18th, San Francisco)

-Nvidia Conference Volunteer Signup (April 2nd - 7th, San Jose Convention Center)

-Game Dev T-Shirt Sign-up

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us at sjsugamedev@gmail.com

Feb 24, 2016

Game Dev Updates - Group Formation!

Oh hi everybody!
For this Thursday (2/25), we will be meeting in the same room as last week, Dudley Moorhead Hall Room 163, from 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm.

Last meeting we announced the theme of the Game Challenge, the "illusion of choice", and during this meeting we will be forming groups for this Game Challenge.

Also, we will be going over the details for those interested in volunteering for an upcoming NVIDIA Conference that's scheduled for April 2nd - 7th at the San Jose Convention Center.

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us at sjsugamedev@gmail.com

Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Secretary of Game Dev. Club

Feb 17, 2016

Game Dev Updates - Small stuff

Heyyy everybody, just a short announcement!

For this Tuesday (2/18), we will be meeting in the same room as last week, Dudley Moorhead Hall Room 163, from 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm.

In this meeting, Andrew will be leading a game design overview at 8:00 pm, which will go over the basic fundamentals of designing games.

Even if you don't wish to follow this discussion you are still welcome to come and work on your games or think about ideas for a new game, since we will be announcing a new game theme.

Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Secretary of Game Dev. Club

Feb 7, 2016

Game Dev Updates - Just Some Things

Hiiiiiiii everybody!!

This week Game Development Club will be meeting on Thursday (2/11) from 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm in Dudley Moorhead Hall (DMH) Room 163. If you don’t know where that is you can look on the main campus map linked here: http://www.sjsu.edu/map/ , and it is under the coordinates B2.

Also during this meeting we will be experimenting with Twine, an open-source game creation tool that allows anyone to make their own interactive stories and games, if you’d like to see more info on it you can look at this link here: http://twinery.org/.

On Tuesday (2/9), the Student Organization Fair is being held from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, I encourage you to stop by our booth and help out, or even just say hi. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us at sjsugamedev@gmail.com.

Kathaleen Anita Trampe
Secretary of Game Dev. Club

Feb 3, 2016

Game Dev Updates - Tons of Stuff!!

Heeeyy Game Dev!

First, for this Thursday (February 3rd) at 7:30pm, we will be meeting in room 213 which is found on the second floor of the Martin Luther King Library.

Second, on February 9th the Spring Student Organization Fair will be taking place from 11:00am to 2:00pm and if you are interested in helping out you can sign up at this link: https://goo.gl/05gD46 (Hint hint: You should help out, it’d be really great.)

Third, there’s a Game Developers Conference (GDC) on March 18th in San Francisco, we’re trying to gauge interest for this so if you’re interested in going to GDC you can leave your info at this link here: https://goo.gl/FbcMaZ

Lastly, remember those t-shirts we talked about a while back? You can see a picture of the chosen one at this link: http://puu.sh/mVdDN/2629839530.jpg , and if you want to buy one you can put your info at this link: https://goo.gl/nr9pZF

It’s a lot and there’s still more to come during this semester but I hope you’ll have a lot of fun and if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or send an email at sjsugamedev@gmail.com.

With love,
Kathaleen Anita Trampe,
Secretary of SJSU Game Dev Club

Jan 26, 2016

Game Dev Updates - A New Semester


There will be a meeting this upcoming Thursday (January 28th) in room 213 on the second floor of the Martin Luther King Library at 7:30 pm again. It’s going to be a game night, so bring your 3ds’s, bring your favorite board games, bring consoles to project it onto the walls! Also, I will be announcing what is going to happen over the course of the semester within Game Dev. Club. So get ready to have a very interesting/hella fun journey.

Also, Global Game Jam is coming under way! Visit our facebook events page to see more details about the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/179937099031160/. I highly encourage everyone to participate in this Global Game Jam. It’s fun, trust me. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. I respond pretty fast :^)

Antonio Jimenez
President of Game Development Club

Jan 21, 2016

Game Dev Updates - Global Game Jam is Coming!

Hola Game Dev!

Global Game Jam is coming our way! I’m here to encourage everyone to sign up and to participate in this event because it is alotta fun. You can find more information about it on our events page on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/events/179937099031160/) or sign up on our google events page (https://goo.gl/Fqy0JL) to get more details on the 25th.

Also, it has been pointed out to me that I misspelled our email wrong in the last post. It is actually sjsugamedev@gmail.com. So if you wanted to send in a t-shirt design, please send it to that email address. Since people may have sent the design to the wrong email, I’m extending the date to this Saturday (January 23rd). All in all, enjoy your last two weeks of winter vacation!

Antonio Jimenez,
President of SJSU Game Dev. Club

Jan 6, 2016

Game Dev Updates - GLOBAL GAME JAM

What’s cooking Game Dev.?

The deadline for the T-shirt contest has passed. However if you could send them to sjsugamedev@gmail.com before the end of this week (Sunday @ 11:59 pm), they will be included in the contest. Voting will take place next week (Monday @ 3:00 pm) and end on January 25th at 11:59 pm.

Global Game Jam is taking place from January 29th – 31st. If you are interested in participating in this free event, please PLEASE sign up here: https://goo.gl/Fqy0JL It is very important for you to sign up in order for us to determine the amount of food to buy. We also need to reserve a room to accommodate the amount of people coming. It is also very important to show general interest in actually participating in Global Game Jam on campus to see if it is worth our time. DON’T ASSUME THAT THIS GAME JAM IS GOING TO HAPPEN EVEN IF YOU DON’T SIGN UP. I also encourage everyone to participate in this Game Jam because it is truly a very fun learning experience that will get you to make a game. Don’t worry if you feel like you are not experienced enough with your coding or art, this is just a fun learning opportunity to better yourself. If anybody wants to help (I’m begging for your help), come talk to me about this. I need club support because I’m just one person.

-With love,
Antonio Jimenez

Against the Wall

It's a prototype.

To move:


To shoot:

Made for 30 Second Madness!!!!

Dec 19, 2015

Game Dev Updates - Winter Break

Greetings Game Dev.,

The semester is over, but that doesn’t mean that you have to stop creating games over break! I encourage everyone to learn more about the game engines you’re using and create hella gnarly games ya dig? (plus it will get you ready for this upcoming global game jam on January 29th-31st). And if you do create a game, it would be really cool if you could show the club what you have done over the break. Also, the t-shirt contest is still happening since there wasn’t that many entries. So you have till December 31st to submit your entries to our email: sjsugamedev@gmail.com. Voting will take place over the span of January, so be vigilant. And above all else, enjoy your winter break.

With love,
Antonio Jimenez


Lead your humble tribe of humans from it's primitive, caveman origins to a prospering, world conquering civilization. Explore vast, beautiful procedurally generated worlds - hunt and scavenge for food to feed your starving people! Meet, collaborate, and compete with other civilizations - trade resources and grow your civilization's economy - wage wars of epic proportions for glory and for the motherland! Research new technologies, build horrendous weapons of mass destruction - discover cures for infectious diseases - construct buildings for your humans to live and work in - all in this epic real time strategy game that lets you recreate a unique and exciting new history for humanity every time you play it!

Made for Miscellaneous

Dec 1, 2015

Game Dev Updates - Last Meeting

hOI Game Dev,

For this last upcoming meeting on Thursday, we will be presenting the game that we have made for this game challenge. I understand that most of you need to focus on your final exams coming up, but it would be really cool if you could come and show off what you have. After all, it is always nice to see how far we’ve come as game developers.

The T-Shirt Design contest is coming to an end on December 4th. Send your designs to our email: sjsugamedev@gmail.com for a chance to have your design on our upcoming shirts!

Also, be aware that SJSU Game Dev will be hosting Global Game Jam from January 29th – 31st! We will notify you where the event is held later on, so keep your eyes peeled.

On another note, if you are interested in holding an officer position please come talk to me. I need help and I can’t run SJSU Game Dev. Club on my own. It would also be nice to hear how you would like to change Game Dev. Club.

Stay determined,
Antonio Jimenez
President of SJSU Game Dev. Club

Nov 25, 2015

Game Dev Updates - Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Weekend

Hi everyone,

There won't be a meeting this upcoming Thursday, so please only come if you want to be disappointed. For the Thursday after Thanksgiving, We will present our games and shtuff, so if you want to show off how much you've progressed, please come and show it off. Pls. Also, the shirt design will be coming to an end on December 4th, so get them ready and send them my way.

-Antonio Jimenez

Nov 17, 2015

Game Dev Updates - ALOTTA STUFF

Hello Game Dev.,

There are a quite a bit of announcements, but please read through all of it. This upcoming Thursday we are having a SPECIAL GUEST: Angela Wu, who was able to successfully fund her game, Grimwood, on Kickstarter. So come by and learn more about her process for making the game. Also, THERE WILL BE A T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST from now till December 4th. So if you want to see your logo on our Game Dev. shirts next semester, participate foo and get started on those designs. A guideline/submission page will be opened up later on this week. Speaking of December 4th, THAT IS ACTUALLY GOING TO BE WHEN WE ARE PRESENTING OUR GAMES, so come and show off what you’ve been doing this month. Again, we’re keeping in mind that people were a bit busy this past month and a half due to midterms. So don’t worry and show off what you got. Also, INTERNATIONAL GAMES DAY is coming up this Saturday in the MLK Library from 11 am – 6 pm. If you are interested in helping out, come by room 219 in the MLK library on November 18th (Tomorrow) at 1:00 pm. Also, the CSU EAST BAY GAME JAM is coming up. So if you are interested please sign up here: https://goo.gl/5ha9kD. A shuttle will not be provided, but I hope that doesn’t deterrent you from trying to go. I’m also hoping to have a little GAME DAY for us on December 10th, so if you’re interested fill out this survey: https://goo.gl/XrqNsS . Lastly, I would like to CONGRADULATE Arthur, Joshua, Tamara, Elle, Matt, David, and Azura for getting 3rd place in the San Jose Innovation Challenge and winning the People’s Choice Award with their video game, Carbon Runner. That’s really tight.

-Antonio Jimenez

Nov 10, 2015

Game Dev Updates - A Flurry of Events

Hey Game Dev,

This upcoming Game Dev. meeting is going to be another work day, so come and work on your games. Also, here are the events that are coming up:

-International Games Day on Nov 21st at 11:00 am – 6 pm on the second floor of the MLK Library. If you are interested in helping out, please come and ask one of the officers to help out.

-Gamestop Hackathon on November 13th 9:00 am – November 14th 4:00 pm in Spartan Complex 178

-CSU East Bay Game Jam on Nov 20th – Nov 22nd. If you express any interest in going to this game jam, please sign up here before the end of this week: https://goo.gl/5ha9kD I think it is worth the trip because it will allow you to be surrounded with like-minded people who just want to make games and game jams are a great way to improve your own game-making skills.

Also, Angela Wu is coming over to Game Dev. on Nov. 19th and she is going to talk about her successful Kickstarter that she ran to fund her game, Grimwood.

-Stay fresh,
Antonio Jimenez


Random Games

⚅ GOTW ⚅

This Month's Games