The Bruges Group spearheaded the intellectual battle to win a vote to leave the European Union and, above all, against the emergence of a centralised EU state.

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What Brexit Will Look Like: Britain and Free Trade

With Jim Mellon & Tim Congdon CBE

Monday, 13th February 2017
The importance of Britain becoming a champion of free trade once it is outside the EU.
Brexit event

Ending free movement

Brexit: where next on immigration

Wednesday, 30th November 
With the speaker; Lord Green of Deddington KCMG, former British diplomat and Chairman of MigrationWatch UK.
Watch online

Latest Poll

The future of the EU

Q. Will other European peoples liberate themselves from Brussels?

It has been said that with the UK leaving the EU, Brussels will take more control over the remaining members. However, Britain through its example of leaving, will show to other European peoples that they do not have to tolerate EU control.

Q. Will the EU centralize even further when the UK leaves, or in the long term will our exit encourage people in other EU countries to demand their independence?
Brexit will show other European people that they too can reject the EU? - 80%
Britain's leaving will lead to more EU centralization? - 16.89%
Don't Know - 3.11%
Vote on our current poll now

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The Bruges Group aims to promote discussion on the European Union and to advance the education of the public on European affairs.


Frequently Asked Questions

Key issues explained
What you need to know to navigate your way throught the referendum debate.
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Protecting our finances

The UK’s liabilities to the financial mechanisms of the EU

The UK’s potential exposure to the EU is over £80 billion
This demand can come when there is another Eurozone crisis. Leaving would relieve us of this risk.
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What it will look like


Ending tariffs and the EU's burdensome barriers to trade
How leaving the EU and the Single Market can be made to work for Britain.
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EU Quiz

How well do you know the EU?

Test your EU knowledge
Take the Bruges Group's EU quiz to see if you are in the know about European Union?
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The Bruges Group is a think-tank which holds meetings and produces research on issues relating to Britain’s membership of the European Union. Our Founder President was the Rt Hon. the Baroness Margaret Thatcher.

Through its work the Bruges Group spearheads the intellectual battle against European integration, EU federalism, centralisation and enlargement. The Bruges Group promotes the positive alternatives to membership of the European Union and the need to restore British sovereignty and democracy. The Bruges Group campaigned for Brexit, advocating that Britain should vote to leave the European Union in the EU referendum.