Banks pledge to adopt Sedgwick pay recommendations

Banks say they are willing to remove incentive structures that could compromise customers.
Banks say they are willing to remove incentive structures that could compromise customers.

 The big four banks say they will implement any final recommendations made by the independent reviewer of banker pay, Stephen Sedgwick, who this week warned that schemes that ratchet up the rate of reward as sales volumes increase could lead to poor outcomes for customers.

An issues paper released on Tuesday said that "accelerator" payments, which pay higher commissions as sales volumes increase, along with other schemes could encourage poor selling practices. This suggests the recommendations in Mr Sedgwick's final report in March may call for them to be eradicated from staff incentive plans.

National Australia Bank and Commonwealth Bank of Australia said they were "committed to implementing" whatever final recommendations were made by Mr Sedgwick. Westpac Banking Corp said it "expects to" implement the final recommendations, while ANZ Banking Group said it "remains committed" to changing or removing incentives that could lead to poor customer outcomes.

Mr Sedgwick has asked banks and other interested parties such as remuneration experts and consumer groups to respond to his interim report with submissions by February 10. Another round of industry consultations will take place before the final report is published. The review was commissioned by the Australian Bankers' Association as part of the industry's "six point plan" announced last April, designed to reestablish community trust after various conduct scandals tarred banks' public image.

Stephen Sedgwick suggests the days of accelerator payments might be numbered.
Stephen Sedgwick suggests the days of accelerator payments might be numbered. Rohan Thomson

"NAB has already committed to implementing the final Sedgwick recommendations. We will consult with our employees and move to implement the changes," said Lynda Dean, NAB's executive general manager of performance and reward.

"Building trust among customers and the community is critical to our business and our industry, which is why NAB has been working to improve our remuneration systems to put the customer at the heart of everything we do ... We support industry-wide reform in the critical area of product sales commissions and product-based payments."

NAB said 12 per cent of its staff are on incentive schemes involving product targets but payments are subject to various safeguards. The 2016 NAB Enterprise Agreement moved away from performance-based, fixed pay increases for customer service and support staff, who will now receive a standard pay rise of 3 per cent.

Needs of customers

CBA's group executive for retail banking services, Matt Comyn, said CBA had in recent years changed the way it rewarded staff "to better focus on meeting the needs of customers".

"For example, we've changed the way bonuses are paid to Commonwealth Bank branch staff by removing any direct link to the number or value of products they sell and the bonus they receive," Mr Comyn said. "This means our customers can be confident that our branch staff are not being paid to sell them products they may not need."

"We understand that there is always more we can do, and that is why we have been proactively participating in the independent review by Mr Sedgwick ... and continue to proactively contribute to the ongoing review."

A spokesperson for Westpac said it expected to implement the final recommendations made by Mr Sedgwick. "Westpac has been a strong advocate for this independent review process and was the first bank to remove all product related incentives for its 2000 tellers across the branch network."

An ANZ Banking Group spokesperson said: "We are supportive of the recommendations from the issues paper and we remain committed to changing or removing incentive structures that could lead to poor customer outcomes."

Tuesday's issues paper highlighted that incentive and reward schemes are part of a broader system that includes performance management and cultural frameworks, and suggested changes to remuneration systems should be accompanied by cultural reform.

The inquiry also said it was waiting for a report from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission on mortgage brokers before finalising its position on commissions in that market.

Mr Sedgwick has asked that additional submissions address whether there is sufficient evidence to support a case for banks to discontinue the practice of paying volume-based commissions to brokers in respect of new and increased mortgages.