Daily Life

PS: Moment that cast shadow over Anthony Bell and Kelly Landry's endless smiling

Any cracks that might have plagued the relationship of Anthony Bell and his model wife Kelly Landry had been smoothed over long ago when it came to their seemingly perfect marriage.

Although there was one particular fracture PS has been unable to forget, a memory that has long cast a shadow over the couple's endless smiling photos in the social pages.

Indeed as a power couple in this city, they were always gracious, polite and friendly whenever we crossed paths, from marquees at the Melbourne Cup to charity fundraisers.

But it was back in 2011 when a heavily pregnant Landry had flown to Hamilton Island to be by her yachtie husband's side as he and his crew competed in the annual Hamilton Island Race Week.

The annual event sees a who's who of business, political and media types descending on the picturesque Whitsundays for a week of sailing high jinks as millionaires and billionaires compare keels, beautiful wives and show off their latest multimillion-dollar racing craft.


But it was while I stood waiting in a seemingly interminable queue at the airport after bad weather had caused flight delays and cancellations that I got a rare, unfiltered glimpse into their private world.

Understandably emotions were high as we anxiously hoped our flights would be rescheduled. But behind me I could overhear a couple arguing, their volley of barbs becoming more heated the longer we stood in the queue.

Indeed the argument had become so distracting and unpleasant for those of us still in the queue that I eventually turned around to see who it was.

And to my surprise I could see a tired-looking Landry on the brink of tears. By her side was Bell, who had what could only be described as a "filthy" look on his face, which by now had turned a deep shade of crimson.

Interestingly, as they realised it was me, the gossip columnist, who was turning around to see what was going on, their ashen faces suddenly morphed into bright smiles, albeit rather unconvincing ones.

But that was years ago and the couple went on to have two beautiful daughters until their world came crashing down on Monday as it emerged Bell was the subject of an AVO his wife had taken out to keep him away. By Thursday he had commenced divorce proceedings.

It was such a world away from their courtship in 2010. Indeed Landry perfectly fitted the mould of women in his life who had gone before her: beautiful, blonde and photogenic.

Before settling down with Landry, Bell dated television personalities Sami Lukis, Laura Csortan and the late Charlotte Dawson.

It was Dawson who once confided to PS that she was devastated after being dumped by Bell.