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Why can't airlines skip all the extras just give us one price?

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Cheap airfares are great but watch out for the sting in the tail, writes Bruce Johnson.

What is it about airlines that makes booking online like an exercise in mine detection?

There we were recently booking two return flights to Brisbane for a price of $396. After pushing the Continue button, they miraculously jumped to $454. Seat fees of $22 and booking and service fee of $34. And $2 for something else.

Why is there a special charge for seats? It is the only way you can fly since hiding in the baggage compartment is not allowed.

And a booking and service fee? I thought that the idea of online booking was to obviate the need to employ booking clerks at the end of the phone. But we have to pay for the savings that we create by complying with their cost-saving measures?

Then there is the baggage charge even when you are taking your own luggage on. Luckily, if you scroll to the bottom of the page you have the opportunity to remove it. But you may not find this.


What next – a special fee for the privilege of travelling with them?  "We at Stork Airlines are proud of our reputation for service and punctuality and so proud in fact that we are charging each customer a fee of $50 just for the privilege of being lucky enough to fly with us."

Oh yes, I forgot. Some airlines, I believe, charge a fuel surcharge. Now, I know that solar-powered flights are just around the corner but for now I see nothing special about planes being fuelled by fuel.

I don't want to seem like an old curmudgeon and I do appreciate the age of cheap air fares, even though you may have to pat the price with cuts like not having meals served or having your flight cancelled at the last moment.

But why not just put all the unavoidable costs up front into the one price?

We really don't need to see the airline's costing spreadsheet and how meticulously the accountants put it all together.  Let's have some simplicity and honesty instead.

No issue is too small to raise Heckler's hackles. Readers can send pieces of about 400 words on what's got their goat to Chosen submissions will be published online at Please include daytime phone details.

Originally published on as 'Why can't airlines skip all the extras just give us one price?'.