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Return to sender: is it really that hard to redirect your mail when you move?

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Scrawling "return to sender" on past residents' mail is getting old, writes Meena Evers.

Although the Elvis Presley song predates my birth by more than a decade, I find myself humming it at least once a week, as I scrawl the words "return to sender" across the front of half the mail retrieved from my letterbox.

No, I am not rejecting the apologetic letters of a handsome rock star, following a lover's quarrel. I am just returning mail addressed to the former occupants of my new home. I say new, but I have been here for a whole year now. From the various surnames, it looks like it may not only be the mail of the previous occupants, but their predecessors too.

I think about how the postal service must have worked very quickly in Elvis's day. He gave a letter to the postman, he put in his sack. Then bright and early next morning, he brought that letter back. Take heed Australia Post. Put that in your sack and deliver it!

Had Elvis recorded that song today, it probably would have been more like "I put a letter in the postbox, it cost an arm and leg. It took weeks to get to her, so I email now instead".

But I digress. For the past year I have paid a princely sum to Australia Post to have my mail re-directed from my old address to my new. I have done this every time I move, for the following reasons:

1) It gives me the chance to update my postal details, in my own time. I like to think of myself as having good organisational skills, but it is impossible to have your address updated with everyone who has you in their database, all neatly coinciding with the timing of your move.

2) Maybe I have watched too much TV, but I am certain someone will steal my identity if I don't protect my mail. I am astounded that during my years of mail re-directing, I have seen mail from banks and doctors offices. I imagine these could contain sensitive personal information including financial statements, bank cards, or medical results. An identity thief's goldmine.

3) I don't want strangers knowing things about me which I haven't chosen to share with them.

4) I don't want to be a nuisance to the people who move into my old place.

I am starting to think however, that I am the only one in Australia who thinks like this, because each time I have moved into a new house, I have found myself dealing with other people's mail.

Initially, I don't mind returning the mail of former residents. I figure there are always going to be some things that slip through the cracks. Most people usually remember to notify of their change of address for the major things (eg the RMS, the Electoral Commission), but will probably forget that they signed up to receive the "Linen Lovers' Club" monthly newsletter, in order to get 10 per cent off those tea towels they bought for Aunty Beryl's housewarming.

After a year though, it gets pretty frustrating. Why not just throw it in the bin you say? Trust me, I would love to, but the Postal Industry Ombudsman says that Australia Post is the only body that can legally dispose of mail. Interfering with mail may be an offence and I don't want to end up dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock.

Originally published on as 'Return to sender: is it really that hard to redirect your mail when you move?'.