Federal Politics

Pauline Hanson tells Malcolm Turnbull to 'bring Tony Abbott back'

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After poaching one of his state MPs in her bid for Queensland domination, Pauline Hanson has some advice for Malcolm Turnbull on how to fix his government – bring Tony Abbott back to the cabinet.

Senator Hanson has emerged as one of Mr Abbott's biggest supporters since returning to parliament, the pair having buried the hatchet following his role in bringing about the downfall of One Nation in the late 1990s, when it posed a growing electoral threat to the Liberals.

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Bragging about her proximity to US President-elect Donald Trump, Pauline Hanson said she will be sending One Nation Senator Brian Burston to Washington in her stead.

But, speaking to Nine News on Tuesday, Senator Hanson took it a step further, campaigning for Mr Abbott's return to the front bench, once again as health minister. 

"Bring Tony Abbott back into the portfolio," she said.

"[They should] Get over their differences. I know he was a former prime minister, but the whole fact is, he was very good when he was in that portfolio, he has the experience, he has the knowledge and I tell you what, Turnbull needs some assistance to pull his government back, because they are dropping in the polls. 

"So you've got to have a good team around you and I hope they could possibly get over it and start working together, because I don't know if [Arthur] Sinodinos is up to it, to do that position.


"He needs someone experienced and I think Tony Abbott has that experience."

Mr Turnbull is expected to unveil his reshuffled cabinet on Wednesday, in the wake of Sussan Ley's resignation following prolonged scrutiny of politicians' use of entitlements.

It is understood Mr Turnbull is looking to make only minimal changes, with Senator Sinodinos, one of his closest confidants, and industry minister Greg Hunt both said to be in the running for the key health portfolio.

Mr Abbott, who served as health minister under the Howard government but has sat on the backbench since losing a leadership spill to Mr Turnbull in late 2015, recently penned an opinion piece, published in The Australian, lecturing the Turnbull government on economic reform.

Mr Turnbull wrapped up his latest trip to Queensland on Tuesday afternoon, following Senator Hanson's prolonged listening tour of the state, where she announced former Newman government minister Steve Dickson had defected to her party. As a result, One Nation now has one seat in the deadlocked Queensland parliament.