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Minister approves WA uranium mine despite extinction threat

The government has approved a mine against its environmental watchdog's warning of high extinction risks for underground fauna, prompting scientists to label WA environmental approvals process "meaningless".

Yeelirrie, 630 kilometres north-east of Perth, is home to one of the country's – and the world's – most significant known uranium deposits.

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It is also home to tiny crustaceans, known as stygofauna, that swim in the groundwater below.

The Environmental Protection Authority ruled in August that despite Cameco's "well considered management strategies" the project posed too great a risk of extinction to species not known to occur anywhere else.

The project thus failed to meet one of the nine key environmental factors assessed, and the EPA recommended refusal.

But Environment Minister Albert Jacob said in a statement on Tuesday the government "considered broader economic and social matters, as well as environmental factors" in its approval, the result of agreement between himself and the Ministers for Water, Mines, Aboriginal Affairs and State Development.


Mr Jacob said there were 17 strict conditions to the environmental approval given to Cameco, requiring the Canadian uranium giant to undertake further research to improve knowledge of, and limit impact on, the species.

He said it was possible this research could identify that the species at risk might occur elsewhere in WA. 

He said he had also taken on board public appeals against the project, and advice from the departments of Water and Parks and Wildlife, and would tighten conditions on vegetation, offsets and public availability of management plans.

But the Leeuwin Group of prominent WA scientists is calling such conditions "meaningless" given recent tests of environmental law and approvals procedures in the courts. 

The group formed in early 2016 to lobby against the state's new biodiversity conservation laws and their controversial "God Clause" allowing environment ministers to make decisions resulting in the extinction of a species.

Convenor Emeritus Professor John Bailey said the Yeelirrie decision was "an example of the God Clause in play" and was another example of "meaningless" environmental approval processes in WA. 

"This is exactly the situation that we feared when commenting upon the Biodiversity Conservation Bill last year," he said. 

"The legal situation is interesting in that the provisions of the Biodiversity Conservation Act concerned with threatened species and ecological communities, threatening processes and critical habitat are not yet in operation.

"This means that the "God Clause" that allows for the Minister to authorise the taking of a species even if that would likely lead to extinction, is not yet in operation. So under what authority has the decision been made?"

He said this was the latest blow after recent decisions by the courts regarding the Roe 8 roads project that demonstrated governments could not be held to account for the delivery of their environmental conditions, and that the EPA itself operated under lax environmental standards as their guidelines and policies were not binding.

He said it was clear laws existed more to "legalise environmental harm" than protect biodiversity. 

A 2008 article in CSIRO's Invertebrate Systematics journal said biodiversity of organisms in the land, water and air provided 'ecosystem services', giving humans food, clean water, oxygen and medicines.

There was clear evidence that declines in biodiversity threatened the provision of these 'ecosystem goods'.

While scientists had "abysmal ignorance" of the ecology of stygofauna, they were beginning to understand the role of the 'unexpectedly diverse' populations in aquifers across the world as ecosystem service providers, or ESPs. 

Their roles were related to water purification, toxin and waste material breakdown, bioremediation, and water infiltration and transport. 

"More importantly, this high biodiversity potentially confers resilience of the groundwater ecosystem functions to natural and [human-caused] disturbance," it concluded. 

"Where stygofauna biodiversity is reduced by human pressures or is naturally low, these ecosystem services may be extremely vulnerable to disappearance of even a single [provider]. 

"This has implications for the resilience of groundwater ecosystems to climate change and human resource use, as well as their ability to continue to provide crucial ecosystem services, many of which cannot be readily replaced by technology."

The stygofauna habitat at Yeelirrie is particularly rich, with 73 species recorded - more than anywhere else in the northern Goldfields.

The ministers behind the agreement that led to the approval emphasised that the four uranium projects now approved in WA could collectively create 1500 jobs and a $1 billion a year export industry.

Yeelirrie is expected to employ up to 1200 people during peak construction and 225 people thereafter.

"Australia has been producing and exporting uranium for peaceful purposes for more than 30 years and it is high time that Western Australia, with our significant reserves, became part of that," Premier and State Development Minister Colin Barnett said.

"Australia's international treaties guarantee that uranium can only be used for peaceful purposes.  We should also remember that nuclear medicine is also an important part of our health care system."

The other three approved uranium proposals are Vimy's Mulga Rocks, Toro Energy's revised Wiluna uranium proposal and Cameco's Kintyre project.

Originally published on watoday.com.au as 'Minister approves WA uranium mine despite extinction threat'.