Theresa May's take-no-prisoners Brexit negotiating stance

British Prime Minister Theresa May delivers her keynote speech on Brexit at Lancaster House in London.
British Prime Minister Theresa May delivers her keynote speech on Brexit at Lancaster House in London. WPA Pool

In what may prove to be a defining moment in her premiership, Theresa May did her best to soften a tough message with a conciliatory tone.

"After Brexit, Britain wants to be a good friend and neighbour in every way and that includes defending the safety and security of all of our citizens," she told diplomats at London's Lancaster House, the same place where Margaret Thatcher outlined British support for the European single market in 1988.

But make no mistake. Mrs May made it crystal clear the British negotiating team will not be mucking around when formal Brexit negotiations begin in the coming months. 

Aside from confirming the UK will be pursuing a "hard Brexit" - which involves giving up membership of the single market in part to regain control over immigration - the most important passage in the 45-minute speech concerned what would happen if Brussels attempted to penalise Britain for leaving the 28-nation bloc.  

"I know there are some voices calling for a punitive deal that punishes Britain and discourages other countries from taking the same path," Mrs May said.

"That would be an act of calamitous self-harm for the countries of Europe. And it would not be the act of a friend."

While saying she was "confident" a positive agreement can be reached, Mrs May added: "I am equally clear that no deal for Britain is better than a bad deal for Britain".

High stakes all around

By warning that a "bad" deal for Britain will result in no less than calamity, Mrs May hopes to push Europe into granting critical regulatory and financial concessions. These would include partial access to the single market and customs union, tarrif-free trade and transitional arrangements for London's critical financial services sector.

And what happens if the EU refuses to play ball? Well, Mrs May said her government would have "the freedom" to cut taxes and regulation to attract investment and boost UK competitiveness.

It is risky approach to a set of negotiations that will not just decide Mrs May's political future but Scotland's membership in the UK and, possibly, the European Project itself. 

Europe's most important leader, Germany's Angela Merkel, has repeatedly warned the UK cannot "cherry pick" the parts of the EU that it likes without signing up to its core principals such as freedom of movement of citizens.

In addition, the EU has no financial incentive to make life easy for London banks and financial institutions with Paris, Dublin and Frankfurt already vying for post-Brexit business. Nor does it want to encourage rising euroscepticism on the continent by granting Westminster a generous departure agreement.

Unsubtle exploitation

But Mrs May's approach does have its merits. 

A genuine fear among some EU policy-makers is that the Conservatives could turn London into a "regulatory lite" centre (think Singapore) against which the rest of the EU would struggle to compete. The Guardian newspaper is not a favourite read among hard Brexit supporters but it created plenty of interest on Saturday when it reported the EU's chief Brexit negotiator, Michael Barnier, wanted a deal that would guarantee the remaining 27 member states continued access to the City of London.

Mr Barnier later took to Twitter to water down his comments, claiming he was not after a "special deal" but the "special vigilance" required to ensure the EU remained financially stable after Brexit. Yet his comments nevertheless underline the fact that, notwithstanding the focus on Brexit's impact on the UK, Brussels is worried about the impact of losing its second most powerful member.

At a time when the EU faces uncertainty in the form of general elections in France, Germany and the Netherlands this year, growing Russian aggression and a US President-elect with serious doubts about NATO, it can ill-afford to overplay its hand during negotiations with Britain.

The bloc cannot afford to lose an important ally. 

Mrs May's "calamitous self-harm" warning about a "bad" deal may be unsubtle but you can't blame her for trying to exploit this fact.