  1. 4月2日

    Third day of my hospital stay in Melbourne, the difference between a public hospital in Melbourne and one in Hobart is markedly different. I cant wonder why when our premier thinks sports is much more important than health

  2. 3小时前
  3. 10小时前

    Today we have shut down logging in Wentworth Hills where some of Earth’s oldest forests are being lost. Something is awry & we believe the logging is illegal. Premier Gutwein it’s up to you to tell the public that logging across Tasmania is legal.

  4. Should I get back on this thing or is Rome burning?

  5. 3小时前

    I hope Michael Ferguson doesn't do a Bradbury. That would be a terrible outcome.

  6. All the best to Peter Gutwein and family following his surprise immediate retirement from politics. He’s led the state through a tumultuous time and no-one will begrudge him spending more time with his family.

  7. 3小时前

    Premier Peter Gutwein has resigned from parliament

  8. 2小时前

    Looking at recount for Gutwein's seat and the destination of 18% of the votes is known. Of these Simon Wood has just over a 12%-6% lead over Greg Kieser.

  9. 2小时前

    I was offline for 30 minutes, next minute Peter Gutwein resigns. Did. Not. See. That. Coming. Despite where you sit on the political spectrum you'd have to agree he did a great job at the helm, particularly managing

  10. 3小时前

    So far has not given a reason other than "now is the time to attend to other things" he is resigning from parliament and also as Premier

  11. Lib talent pool in Tas Parlt is so shallow it makes paddler’s pool look deep. They have no one capable of taking on the top job or the workload. They destroyed the Parlt by cutting numbers and now they get what they deserve.

  12. 3小时前

    Premier Peter Gutwein is resigning as Premier and from the Tasmanian Parliament. He says he needs to focus on his family.

  13. 2小时前

    New Premier must make restoring the House of Assembly to 35 seats a priority

  14. 2小时前

    Don’t want to alarm anyone, but the last premier resigned just before Covid hit… What does this one know…

  15. 1小时前

    The problem for the Tasmanian Libs is that Gutwein was a decent bloke. Apart from Rockliffe, the rest are all either religious nutters, stupid or both. And with such a small Parliament, the talent pool is shallow on all sides.

  16. 2小时前

    The ship is sinking and the Premier is not going down with the ship. Someone dial Brooksy, they need someone quick! Who will resign next on Tasmania's Got No Talent?

  17. 3小时前

    FFS the feds are running an election during our rehearsal period, can the locals stop reshuffling/resigning so we can lock in some scripts.

  18. 10小时前

    The Legana Primary School site is a hive of activity this morning as construction gets underway.

  19. 1小时前

    The Tasmanian Premier elected at the election has now completed the term in 1 of the last 6 terms.

  20. 3小时前


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