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Tweet em Destaque 7 h
Let's get it done here! SHARE THIS if you think should be next for !
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Van Badham 2 h
The impact of the Irish vote on Australia's PM Tony Abbott via .
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John Wren 3 h
Of course has bloodied knuckles. It's what happens when you constantly drag them on the ground while walking.
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Stephen 4 h
If you told me 10yrs ago: Ireland... Alaska.... UTAH. Would have marriage equality before Australia I'd have laughed in your face!
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Susannah Birch 4 h
France to force big supermarkets to give unsold food to charities Why can't Australia?
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The Daily Rupert 5 h
Another so-accurate-it-hurts from
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John Wren 5 h
Hey Tony, Catholic Ireland just made gay marriage legal. What about here? Nope Nope Nope.
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Tao de Haas 5 h
Abbot unstable? The perfect storm consuming Abbott
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Senthorun Raj 5 h
Dear PM , it's time to put marriage reform on the parliamentary agenda. We have waited too long for equality.
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Stephen 5 h
Australia is now the only country in the Anglosphere to not have marriage equality in at least some part of the country.
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The Daily Rupert 5 h
'Tony Abbott's Australia' could be written across that ship MT
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Christine Milne 5 h
Early counting indicates majority "Yes" vote in Irish referendum on marriage equality. Let's hope early indications are accurate,
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Trish 6 h
It's official. Australians are now fleeing the oppressive Abbott Regime.
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Senthorun Raj 6 h
Australia doesn’t need a referendum on marriage equality. The federal parliament can legislate it. Time for our MPs to now.
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John Wren 6 h
If the had disappeared in an Airbus, would spend billions to recover their remains. Live... Not so much.
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Senthorun Raj 6 h
Australia has protracted marriage equality reform for too long: it's time to legislate it already.
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PatriciaKarvelas 7 h
What does this mean for Oz? Game changer. Puts enormous pressure on Abbott to allow a conscience vote. MPs saying they'll use it
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rachel polanskis 8 h
This man does not represent me or my views in any way
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Kiera 8 h
Media went into a friggin FRENZY when Kevin Rudd cut himself shaving. Why the near silence then over this?
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✩✩✩JJR✩✩✩ 13 h
SDBrf: reporters o_0... *pause*...oh, ? (MAY22 2015)
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Christina Macpherson 19 h
'Missile Defense' is Destabilizing
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