Wyniki wyszukiwania
  1. The bell tolls for thee. The hammer of democracy will come crushing. You won't even hear its fall. auspol

  2. Imagine how much could be put into schools if salaries were given up.

  3. BREAKING NEWS: Queensland MP Steve Dickson has left the LNP & joined Pauline Hanson's One Nation. Welcome to the team Steve.

  4. Hanson: “There’s no vision or foresight coming from Annastacia Palaszczuk or Tim Nicholl” Translation: “They’re not racist enough”

  5. LNP member joins One Nation, showing how similar the parties are. Vote Green to reject bigotry and racism.

  6. ., I'd put money on it, that your loony Pt Arthur denying candidate is also a Holocaust denier.

  7. I bet 's moronic candidate wouldn't be denying Port Arthur if Martin Bryant had been a Muslim.

  8. Unlike and the LNP, we're not interested in doing deals with extremists.

  9. Is back at work yet? Anyone know? Is he on a taxpayer funded all expenses paid holiday still?

  10. A helpful check list for politicians. Please Retweet if you agree.

  11. Activists prepare for Adani protests (Attempts at construction will make the Franklin look tame ✋🏿😇 )

  12. Sussan Ley's Gold Coast trips since 2013 stands at 22 and 37 nights. Comparison to other non-Qld ministers.

  13. Taxpayers have contributed over $1.8b to Sarina Russo over ten years.

  14. RT : Time for to be weaned off the public teat.

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