
Kangaroo attack: What do if you come face-to-face with a kangaroo

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"Just get away from it as fast as you can."

That's the advice from a wildlife expert to anyone who comes face-to-face with a kangaroo.

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Kangaroo attacks personal trainer

Receiving nasty injuries, personal trainer Debbie Urquart was attacked by a kangaroo while on a run in Templestowe.

Ian Temby, who spent 33 years with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, said kangaroo attacks are rare, but could be fatal in some circumstances.

"If you're standing up, the kangaroo can kick you with its hind feet and that can pretty much rip you open," he said. "That's extremely dangerous."

"You need to crouch down low and back away, get away, and get a bush or a tree between you and the kangaroo. It's not going to chase you far."

Mr Temby lives in Templestowe, where local woman Debbie Urquhart was mauled by a kangaroo in Westerfolds Park on Saturday morning. Ms Urquhart was jogging when she said the kangaroo appeared out of long grass and attacked her for about one minute.


The 54-year-old was left with deep cuts to her arm and neck.

"He was massive ... he knocked me down and I was screaming and the more I was screaming, the more he was going for me," she told radio station 3AW.

"He sort of pushed me down with his back feet and then just sort of clawed at me, by me protecting myself, that's how my arm was ripped so badly, he could have got my stomach or something.

"I was trying to protect myself and then as soon as I stopped screaming he stopped, and I hid in the grass, I sort of crawled away."

Mr Temby said it was likely that Ms Urquhart surprised the animal by inadvertently running too close and that it was "extremely rare" for kangaroos to attack people.

"I think it was just bad luck," he said. "Hundreds, if not thousands of people go through Westerfolds Park every year ... and kangaroo attacks there are every few years."

Mr Temby, who now works privately as a wildlife consultant, estimates that 40 to 50 kangaroos live in the park. 

"In her situation, where she was knocked to the ground, really all you can do is grab hold of its front paws and maybe kick it if you can, try to deter it if you're on the ground."

He said the most common attacks occur when a dog owner tries to protect their pet when it chases a kangaroo.

Mr Temby said the best way to avoid being attacked by a kangaroo is to keep a safe distance, never give them food and to watch for signs of aggression, such as standing on their toes, scratching their stomach or growling.

If a kangaroo does attack, never stand tall and face the animal because it might be interpreted as a challenge to fight.

"There is real danger there," he said. "These blokes who think they're macho and go and spar with a kangaroo ... that's the dumbest thing you can do."