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  1. Persoas Ver todo

  2. How about a campaign to get the posters with these 2 beautiful children back up

  3. Dear Looking at $Billions in Commonwealth contracts. I think the site is broken only 2 names appear Serco & Russo.

  4. How many underprivileged school kids could been helped with assistance with education

  5. Wow, Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning

  6. Rumours that moves are afoot to have an image on the billboard which reflects the true meaning of Australia Day

  7. How did Health Minister Greg Hunt's last patient fair? The Great Barrier Reef is half dead. Some bedside manner he's got there folks

  8. Scorpion stings victim. Surely no-one can feign surprise?

    Este chío non está dispoñible.
  9. Health Minister Greg Hunt announces new hospitals to be constructed from dead coral from his last portfolio

  10. Looking at the job Greg Hunt did looking after the Great Barrier Reef now that he's Health Minister we should all be dead very soon

  11. Given Greg Hunt has overseen death of Reef, can only imagine what he'll do to our collective health

  12. Don't know why . needs 2 involve itself with mafia when they do such a bang up job of running an organised crime racket

  13. En resposta a

    MTurnbulls nasty post election speech was evidence of frustration that Labor knew of the Medicare cuts to come

  14. The only way to stop the LNP"s Class War is to remove them from gov't.. They won't investigate their donors.

  15. If the media won't address issues of public interest of billions of tax dollars thrown around to detain humans we have problems.

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