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  2. Rumours that moves are afoot to have an image on the billboard which reflects the true meaning of Australia Day

  3. Health Minister Greg Hunt announces new hospitals to be constructed from dead coral from his last portfolio

  4. Movement in France says "Yes to social housing" "Oui au Logement social"

  5. It's not 'protectionism' to oppose because it's not a bloody free trade deal; it's a corporate power grab

  6. Don't know why . needs 2 involve itself with mafia when they do such a bang up job of running an organised crime racket

  7. En réponse à

    MTurnbulls nasty post election speech was evidence of frustration that Labor knew of the Medicare cuts to come

  8. If the media won't address issues of public interest of billions of tax dollars thrown around to detain humans we have problems.

  9. Centrelink has foreshadowed intention to now chase elderly for "overpayments". Talkback radio now interested in issue.

  10. Want Jobs? Energy is one of the best investments you can make to get them.

  11. Comment gagner plus d'argent avec son site/blog sur In Australia/6h: 1. 2. 3. 4.

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