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A Vinod Kumar

Strategic analyst, author and journalist

A. Vinod Kumar is an Associate Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. His areas of expertise include nuclear policy issues, foreign policy and strategy. His first book titled India and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime – The Perennial Outlier was published by the Cambridge University Press in 2014.Kumar was earlier a journalist with some leading Indian media houses, Executive Editor of South Asia Monitor - a media diplomacy platform, and a Fellow at the Indian Pugwash Society.

Ankur Dauneria via Getty Images

The Non-Proliferation Orthodoxies Stalling India's NSG Bid

How's this for irony: it was India's nuclear test of May 1974 that brought together the initial group of seven nuclear suppliers to form the "London Club" -- later christened as the NSG -- to formulate rules and guidelines for nuclear trade. Since 1978, when the first guidelines were formulated, India found itself at the receiving end of the NSG, with the 1992 guidelines totally cutting out the nation from global nuclear commerce.
04/07/2016 6:36 PM IST
NARINDER NANU via Getty Images

The Pathankot Blame Game And What Really Ails Our Security Apparatus

While terms like "comprehensive restructuring" and "sweeping reforms" have become clichéd, one wonders why such symbolism and half-hearted measures are repeated after every major terror incident, or rather, why systemic transformation remains a difficult mission for this nation. This cycle has continued after Pathankot as well. While some of these proposals might be constructive, the actual question that the nation has failed to ponder on is whether such reforms will actually make a credible difference to the manner in which our national systems function.
25/01/2016 8:22 AM IST