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The Trump Administration
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Jeremy Corbyn 2
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The New Russophobia 2

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Making Waves's picture
Supreme Court ruling in Ernst fracking case poses threat to Charter rights | Jan 14 2017 | Emma Lui | Today the Supreme Court of Canada rejected Alberta landowner Jessica Ernst's legal challenge to sue the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) for denying her right to freedom of expression under the Canadian's picture
Top 10 ways you helped save the Internet in 2016 | Jan 14 2017 | David Christopher | As we face the challenges of 2017, let's all be inspired by these amazing examples of how you helped save the Internet last year
karl nerenberg's picture
Trudeau's new immigration minister must tackle Harper's nasty refugee reforms | Jan 13 2017 | Karl Nerenberg | Harper's refugee reform legislation unfairly discriminated against many asylum seekers. John McCallum was ready to make big changes. Now the ball is in Ahmed Hussen's court.'s picture
Google v. Equustek at the Supreme Court of Canada: Dispatch from the hearing | Jan 13 2017 | Cynthia Khoo | As you may recall, OpenMedia intervened in a landmark Internet and free expression case at the Supreme Court of Canada, Google Inc. v. Equustek Solutions. Here's a recap.
Dec 6 2016
"Notes from a Feminist Killjoy" is an answer to what is needed now -- a self-consciously contingent rejoinder to the question of "who needs feminism?"
Oct 27 2016
In "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" sociologist Matthew Desmond offers a critical examination of urban poverty and homelessness told through the stories of eight families.
Sep 15 2016
New collection "In This Together: Fifteen Stories of Truth and Reconciliation" describes what reconciliation can mean to the individual. But are words enough? Our reviewer says it's time for action.

what's up: event calendar

Current rabble poll

What should be the first focus of the Canadian left for 2017?

Now that the world's most ambitious and depressing performance art piece has concluded (titled "Dumpster Fire, 2016: A Tragedy in 12 Parts"), it's time to roll up our sleeves. Federal Parliament reconvenes in just about four weeks and we have some work to do if we want to stave off a tide of right-wing populism.

Will Keystone XL come back to give Kinder Morgan activists something to do on weekends? Will anyone actually hold Justin Trudeau to account to keep his promise to reform the electoral system? Will the Conservatives finally answer that age-old question, who is more despicable? Kellie Leitch, Chris Alexander or Kevin O'Leary?

There's a lot to keep us busy as 2017 kicks off. What's most important?

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