Beyond Blue: Youth Suicide4:17

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Beyond Blue: Youth Suicide

Beyond sad as girl, 12, live streams her own suicide

A HORRIFIC video of a 12-year-old girl taking her own life after alleging she was abused by a relative has been streamed across the internet, including on Facebook.

The video has gone viral and is now being replayed on other websites — and police say they are powerless to stop it.

In the video, which Katelyn Nicole Davis posted to the Live Me app, she claims she was physically and sexually abused by a relative then lets the camera roll as she takes her own life.

Katelyn, a student at Cedartown Middle School in Polk County, Georgia, US, broadcast it on December 30 but it was later removed.

media_cameraKatelyn’s video has broken the hearts of many on the internet. Pictrure: Facebook

According to reports, the 20-minute video was filmed in her backyard and played out as a woman’s voice was heard calling her name in the distance.

Polk County police department has since been inundated with requests from people as far away as Britain that versions of it being shared online are taken down.

Police chief Kenny Dodd told Fox5 that he was first contacted about the video by an officer from California who saw it on the night of her death.

He said Polk County police had contacted several sites and urged them to take it down, but they had refused.

He added: “We want it down as much as anyone for the family and it may be harmful to other kids. We contacted some of the sites.

“They asked if they had to take it down and by law they don’t. But it’s just the common decent thing to do in my opinion.”

According to CoosaValleyNews, a police investigation had been launched three days prior to her death regarding accusations of sexual abuse she had made in her diary.

Detectives are now working towards gaining search warrants so they can access her phone and social media, the website reported.

media_cameraThe American girl claims she was sexually abused by a relative. Picture: Facebook

Katelyn’s suicide is not the first time horrific or tragic events have played out on a live streaming service.

Earlier this month a mother-of-two collapsed and died from heart problems while she was broadcast singing on Facebook Live.

And last month a dinner party broadcast on the software took a horrific turn when it captured a banker’s assistant accidentally shooting his friend.

If you or anyone you know needs mental health support call Lifeline on 131114 or visit their website.

Originally published as Girl streams her own suicide