The mum giving her children almost 100 gifts (each!) this Christmas

Emma Tapping denies her Christmas present pile is materialistic.
Emma Tapping denies her Christmas present pile is materialistic.  Photo: Facebook

Last year Mum-of-three, Emma Tapping shocked the Internet when she shared a photo of a mountain of Christmas presents on Instagram. The pile of individually wrapped gifts was so big that it eclipsed the tree behind them.

But although the post was shared more than 30,000 times, the 36-year-old mum was heavily criticised for being too materialistic.

Despite this, Tapping is back on-line this Christmas with an even bigger pile of presents 'under' her tree for her kids, Mia (14) Ella (10) and baby Tatum.

Emma Tapping
Emma Tapping Photo: Facebook

The mum shared the photo on Facebook saying that there were about 300 gifts in the enormous pile.

Tapping, who lives in the Isle of Man, in the UK, said that it had taken a year of "hard graft, saving and planning" to create the present pile. She estimates spending £2,000 ($3,387) on the gifts.

She added that "the haters will hate but nothing and no-one will change how I do Christmas".

Speaking to the Sun, Tapping explains that the pile of gifts create magic at Christmas time.

"What I love about Christmas is the magic of it, and it's family time for me, it's about being with my loved ones and I love seeing their faces when I give them gifts," she says.

"I do go overboard at Christmas, definitely. It's loads of pressies, loads of food, stuffing your face and just relaxing, having a good old day."

Tapping says that this year her kids will receive around 96 gifts each, just over ten more than they got in last years haul.

Although she claims that she doesn't spoil her children throughout the year, Tapping does admit that she likes to spoil them at Christmas.

"They get their necessities, their school uniforms, the things that they need, but we don't go on holidays abroad, they don't go on big shopping sprees – anything they want they get it for Christmas," she explains.

Recalling last years "haters" Tapping says that she "couldn't give a toss what anyone thinks."

"It's not going to change the way I do things, and if they don't like it, it's a good job I'm not their mum," she says.

The mum features in a new documentary that investigates 'Xmas Excess: Parents Splash the Cash'. It follows her in the run-up to Christmas and reveals how she keeps track of everything she buys by numbering each gift and writing everything down.

But although she is super organised in the run up to Christmas, finding places to put all the new toys when they have been unwrapped is more of a challenge.

In the documentary, Tapping's 10-year-old daughter, Ella, admitted that a popcorn maker and notepad have both remained untouched since last Christmas. The youngster also confessed that she doesn't use the tablet she was given last year because she broke, and then lost, the charger.

Undeterred, Tapping says that "nothing and no one" will change how she does Christmas. 

"Others opinions have NO effect on me whatsoever," she says on Facebook.

"After the abuse I got last year there was no way I back down to anyone and I will continue to put my Christmas picture up."

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