Health and Wellbeing



Tom Tehan and his mother,  Amanda Wallace.

'I was just trying to stop feeling'

More than a decade on, Tom Tehan wants to tell his story. It's a story about the car crash that can follow school bullying - and how one man emerged from the wreckage to rebuild his life.

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You don't need a holiday to take a break.

Seven ways to slow down so you can actually get more done

I've always been obsessed with productivity and action. I pride myself on "getting it done" and being a high achiever. But it wasn't until I bet on myself and became my own boss two years ago that the pressure of constant hustling led me to a breaking point.

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Since the age of 15, one in four women in Australia have experienced at least one incident of violence by a partner.

Intimate partner violence is leading health risk factor for women: study

Barely a week passes without a media report of the suffering or tragic death of a woman at the hands of a partner. Typically, these accounts focus on the individuals involved. While important, in isolation, such a focus can belie the fact intimate partner violence is a wider social problem, obscuring both the factors contributing to it and opportunities to prevent it.

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