

Obama's call for unity and understanding was sadly out of touch

"Reality has a way of catching up with you," Barack Obama told the crowd gathered to hear his farewell address to the nation. It was something his mother had told him, and he used it to rail against the increasingly fact-free environment of public debate. But as his speech meandered through familiar themes of compromise, reason, optimism, and empathy, it seemed as though reality had not yet caught up with Obama.

Speaking less than a fortnight before Donald Trump takes the oath of office, the Obama of 2017 sounded a lot like the Obama of 2004. Then, he spoke out against division, declaring "there is not a liberal America and a conservative America. There's the United States of America." The speech, built around the theme of unity and hope, launched a candidacy and then a presidency built around the same.

But if Obama 2004 embodied the audacity of hope, Obama 2017 demonstrates the paucity of it. His speech spoke to the moral arc of history, but it did not speak to the present. During a time of uncertainty and anxiety, Obama closed his speech telling the crowd, "I leave this stage tonight even more optimistic about this country than I was when we started."

In that, he stands alone. The last eight years have been a sharp refutation of Obama's theory of politics, that reason and consensus-building can override partisan divisions.

Part of the problem was that Obama expected Republicans to compromise in ways that advanced Obama's agenda. Now, Obama was willing to compromise as well. His signature policy, the core of his campaign and his presidency, was healthcare reform. Rather than pushing for a single-payer system – the left's preferred plan – he signed off on a version of the public-private partnership developed at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank. But whether it was health care or financial reforms or gun control, Obama sustained a belief that political opponents could be reasoned into agreeing with him.

So that was part of the problem. But a much larger part was that he was facing a Republican Party ready to shred the norms of governance. Once Republicans took control of the House in the 2010 midterms Obama didn't just meet obstruction but destruction. Fiscal cliffs, sequestration, government shutdowns: once the financial crisis that accompanied Obama into office had eased, the GOP started ginning up crises of their own. And Obama talked and reasoned and made Very Good Arguments for why he was right. And Rome burned.


Not only did Obama's calls for unity and understanding fail to fix politics, they now feel out of step with the national mood, even among his supporters. At a moment when many Americans see ominous clouds gathering on the horizon, Obama used his speech to urge more listening and more understanding. And while that is of a piece with his message throughout his career, it failed to acknowledge that unity is difficult to forge when the threat is internal rather than external. When one side is offering a fundamentally exclusionary vision – banning Muslims, slamming immigrants – then calls for unity have an unsettling feel. Because they raise the question of who, exactly, is being united.

Here, Obama's penchant for history is instructive. He often looks to Abraham Lincoln for inspiration, a president who entered office with the country on the brink of civil war, whose rhetorical gifts and theory of politics align neatly with Obama's. In both his first and second inaugural addresses, Lincoln called for unity, in the first case to forestall war and in the second to knit the nation back together as the war came to an end.

Within a few decades, real unity came: white northerners and white southerners who had once taken up arms against one another now clasped hands. They did so, however, by sacrificing the rights of African-Americans, through disenfranchisement, discrimination and violence. Twelve years after the war ended, the federal army that had been protecting African-Americans left the South, and Jim Crow became the law of the land. The nation's wounds were bound up, as Lincoln had hoped, but the price of recovery was the equality of its citizens.

When Lincoln called for unity in 1864, many of his fellow Republicans were outraged. They believed their cause, the defeat of slavery and the unification of the nation, had been just, that their military and moral victories should not be muted in the name of reconciliation. Likewise, for many Americans who oppose Trump, Obama's calls for unity fall flat. They want a fighter, not a unifier.

Perhaps Obama understands all this. Perhaps he knows that his political vision failed to heal America's divisions, but used his speech to make clear the kind of politics he believed should ultimately prevail.

Yet even that more generous reading reinforces that Obama has been a president out of step with his time. His ideals are admirable: rationality, accommodation, hope. Thirty years ago he not only would have been heralded as a talented politician but would have been a remarkably successful one. As he leaves office, however, it is clear he was a president who never quite caught up with reality.

Nicole Hemmer is a Fairfax Media columnist.