China's Xi Jinping defends globalisation, warns against a trade war

China's President Xi Jinping has mounted a strident defence of economic globalisation, in a major speech at the World ...
China's President Xi Jinping has mounted a strident defence of economic globalisation, in a major speech at the World Economic Forum. AP

Chinese President Xi Jinping said "no country would emerge the winner from a trade war" as he mounted a strident defence of economic globalisation, in a major speech at the World Economic Forum.

While Mr Xi didn't mention Donald Trump by name, his address – the first by a Chinese President at the Davos gathering in Switzerland – argued against the protectionist policy positions of the US President-elect just three days before his inauguration and called for cooperation to tackle global challenges like climate change.

"The Paris agreement is a hard-won achievement and all signatories should stick to it," he said, referring to the global deal struck just over a year ago to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which Mr Trump has previously threatened to quit.

Mr Xi said there was no point in blaming globalisation for the world's problems.

"Pursuing protectionism is just like locking yourself in a dark room," he told the global leaders and chief executives at the elite gathering.

"While the wind and rain are kept outside, so are light and air."

Mr Xi said China was committed to further opening up its economy and on cue, the State Council announced late Tuesday it would reduce restrictions for foreign investors across a range of sectors including banking and insurance. However, it did not release any detailed plans or timing for the changes.

"China will keep its door wide open and not close it," he said. "And we hope that other countries will also keep their door open to Chinese investors and keep the playing field level for us."

He described Beijing's decision to join the World Trade Organisation in 2001 as a "brave step forward to embrace global markets."

"We encountered whirlpools and choppy waves along the way but we have learned how to swim," he said. "Whether you like it or not the global economy is like a big ocean."

The language used by Mr Xi is in stark contrast to nationalist and protectionist rhetoric of Mr Trump, who has pledged to quit the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal on his first day in office and hike tariffs on Chinese imports. He has also consistently criticised China for keeping its currency low to advantage exporters at the expense of American manufacturers. That's despite China's interventions in recent months to prop up the yuan in the face of growing capital outflows.

Mr Xi reaffirmed China's pledge not to devalue the yuan on purpose to benefit traders, insisting he had no intention of starting a "currency war."

The Chinese President's defence of globalisation also came as British Prime Minister Theresa May outlined her plans for the United Kingdom to break from the European Union after more than four decades of closer economic integration.

On China's outlook, Mr Xi said despite sluggish global growth, the economy managed to grow by an expected 6.7 per cent in 2016. The full-year gross domestic product figures are due to be released on Friday amid speculation Beijing will lower its growth target to around 6.5 per cent this year, from 6.5-to-7 per cent last year.

Mr Xi said China has entered a "new normal" of slower, more sustainable growth, driven by consumption and the services sector. However, he acknowledged while this growth rate was still among the highest in the world, China's economy was facing "downward pressures" including overcapacity, a lack of growth drivers and the "accumulation of financial risk."

Mr Xi's calls for international cooperation come at a time of heightened tensions in the region as Mr Trump has taken a harder line on China's construction activities in the South China Sea and suggested the One China policy, which recognises Beijing's claim over Taiwan, was up for negotiation.