Alcoa bailout: What about us? say large energy users

Alcoa's Portland smelter is struggling with high energy costs and low aluminium prices.
Alcoa's Portland smelter is struggling with high energy costs and low aluminium prices. Joe Armao

Large electricity users have accused AGL Energy of hitting them with 50-100 per cent electricity price hikes while doing sweetheart deals with politically sensitive businesses such as Alcoa's Portland aluminium smelter which is set for a $240 million government bailout.

After the handout to the stricken plant was confirmed, big energy consumers Dow Chemicals, BHP Billiton and Brickworks are urging state and federal policymakers to fix the wider energy policy landscape so that all energy users – and not just a chosen few – could benefit from lower prices.

They urged the Victorian government to lift its moratorium on onshore gas production, citing soaring gas prices as one cause of unaffordable electricity, and South Australia to ensure that locally produced gas is available to generate power in the crisis-prone state.

Tony Frencham, chief executive of Dow Chemical Australia and New Zealand, said he was encouraged that at least in the case of Alcoa, AGL and governments recognised the importance of affordable and reliable energy.

Dow Chemical Australia managing director Tony Frencham said he didn't understand how AGL Energy and other suppliers ...
Dow Chemical Australia managing director Tony Frencham said he didn't understand how AGL Energy and other suppliers could hit customers with 50-100 per cent electricity price hikes. Rachael Dere

"However, what we can't reconcile is firstly, how AGL and other energy providers can close their eyes when they raise energy prices 50-100 per cent to other Victorian industrial users when they and their wholesalers know that the increase is not cost driven?

"Secondly, how the same Victorian government can contribute to this energy shortage with an unjustified onshore gas moratorium?"

AGL declined to comment but Australian Energy Council chief Matthew Warren said the smelter got a better deal than other customers because it was Victoria's biggest electricity user and the fate of whole power stations depended on it.

Blackouts and outages

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull blamed ideologues for the nation's energy woes – which have seen soaring prices and blackouts and outages in South Australia and Victoria like the one that crippled the Portland smelter in December.

BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam mine was one of several big facilities cut off by the South Australian blackout on September ...
BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam mine was one of several big facilities cut off by the South Australian blackout on September 20 and agaun by an outage on December 1. Aaron Bunch Photographer

"Treating this as an ideological thing where people say, "Renewables are bad" or "All fossil fuel is bad" is wrong. You've got to make sure you get the right mix. And above all, this is the most important point – energy has to be affordable," Mr Turnbull said yesterday.

"You don't want to be in the situation South Australia is, where they have the most expensive – and the least reliable – electricity in Australia."

AGL, federal industry minister Greg Hunt and Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas confirmed on Monday that a bailout – understood to provide Alcoa with $240 million and cheap electricity – is close to fruition.

Chief Scientist Alan Finkel is finalising a report on electricity system security for energy ministers sparked by a statewide blackout in South Australia last September.

BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam boss, Jacqui McGill, said she hoped policymakers now appreciated the need for competitive ...
BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam boss, Jacqui McGill, said she hoped policymakers now appreciated the need for competitive energy rices. Vince Caligiuri

The president of BHP Billiton's giant Olympic Dam copper-uranium mine in South Australia, Jacqui McGill, said she hoped politicians got the message that large energy-intensive plants need to compete globally.

Ms McGill said while the Olympic Dam team had striven to achieve this, "this task has been made more difficult in fiscal 2017 as we have been impacted by increased electricity costs, and lost production from electricity outages.

"We continue to work closely with the South Australian and Commonwealth governments to bring about a policy change that will lead to lower electricity pricing," she said.

"We hope that industry's need for globally competitive energy is reflected in the ongoing policy deliberations at a commonwealth, state and Council of Australian Governments level."

Greg Hunt, Minister of  Industry, Innovation and Science, helped broker Alcoa's new AGL Energy sweetheart deal.
Greg Hunt, Minister of Industry, Innovation and Science, helped broker Alcoa's new AGL Energy sweetheart deal. Jesse Marlow

Ms McGill said BHP was keen to work with the state and federal governments to ensure that existing thermal gas generation in South Australia is encouraged to "to provide secure and affordable electricity until longer term measures can take effect."

Lindsay Partridge, chief executive of Brickworks, the nation's top brickmaker, said "every manufacturer would like [a sweetheart deal on power] and a supply of gas as well."

Mr Partridge accused governments of doing political favours for plants like Alcoa's Portland smelter because the political damage is concentrated in a handful of western Victoria electorates and not spread over several states.

"The jobs of our employees only matter if they are all in one electorate, otherwise [they're] of no consequence to politicians," Mr Partridge said.

Mr Frencham said that if policymakers did not get the rules right, the problem would be solved by more big manufacturers giving up on Australia's high energy prices and going elsewhere.

"What is occurring is supply-driven and not cost-driven, and therefore AGL and others should not be victimising their energy intensive and trade-exposed long-term customers," he said.

"If they do, then ultimately the supply-demand energy imbalance will go away – not because energy policies have been corrected, but because demand destruction has occurred, and with it the local manufacturing jobs that energy supported."

A spokesman for Mr Pallas declined to comment whether the government would assist other companies struggling with rising electricity prices.

The Alcoa deal has shone a spotlight on an "Alcoa levy" which all Victorian electricity customers pay via an industry levy which was rolled into a transmission easement tax in 2004 and is now worth $111 million a year.

Hit badly by cost

Mr Pallas's spokesman said there were no plans to alter the transmission tax. "The easement land tax does not relate to Alcoa specifically," the spokesman said.

Australian Industry Group Victorian director Tim Piper said it wasn't just Alcoa which is being hit hard by rising power prices.

He said the gas crisis in the state, aggravated by the government's onshore gas ban, is causing real problems for many firms.

"Some that we think are solid performers might not be," Mr Piper said.

"There are other companies being hit badly by the cost of gas. Inevitably the government is in a position it has to support a company [like Alcoa] that is of such importance to the local community and the state's economy."

Mr Piper defended the Alcoa bailout, saying the state had suffered two "big hits" with the closure of the car industry and Hazelwood.

"If you have a third the potential ramifications for the economy are huge, that's the reason why I support the government's decision to support Alcoa. I think the approach taken by the government is positive."

However, Mr Piper said he hoped the assistance, which is expected to run over four years, helps the company beyond that time frame rather than just a "band-aid measure".