King Wood Mallesons confirm they have ample dunny rolls

No laughing matter: The KWM toilet paper shortage has mercifully not spread to Australia.
No laughing matter: The KWM toilet paper shortage has mercifully not spread to Australia. Natalie Boog

Crisis averted! Emergency dunny roll suppliers, stand down! The legal eagles at King & Wood Mallesons are not, repeat not in the grip of a loo paper crisis.

Our concerns were raised following reports that staff at the beleaguered European arm of the global law firm had suffered the indignity of running out of bog roll as the firm there draws closer to administration and contractors start to abandon the sinking ship.

A report in The Lawyer quoted a source within the company asserting that things there had gotten so dire that toilet paper had run out and the contractor was refusing to supply more.

And so we felt compelled to check in with the Aussie arm of the business to see if they were fully stocked in the tissue-product department.

"It's all good," we were assured. "The two businesses are completely financially separate. In fact the Aussie arm of the business is growing." Which presumably means their stockpile of Sorbent is healthy. Phew.