Born Against (No Answers #10)


Another interview from Kent McClard’s zine No Answers. This one here’s from the last issue of it’s kind (There was a #10.5, which was a half-sized zine that was much more personal.), before he started (March ’94) HeartAttack. N.A. was referred to as “Ebullition by-product” (Kent had started his record-label in 1990)… The zine came with a ‘Born Against’/’Suckerpunch’ 8″ flexi and an insert by Jamey Billig (of the Fanzine-That-Had-No-Name). The latter was also interviewed for this N.A. #10, together with some more people from the 805 – telephone-code for the area around Santa Barabara, Goleta, etc. (California) – scene: ‘Suckerpunch’, Sonia Skindrud of Exedra zine; plus ‘Amenity’ from San Diego.

Kent also had a lengthy conversation with the guys of ‘Born Against’, around the same time I had interviewed them myself: Sam & Adam of ‘Born Against’ * summer 1991 (Tilt! #6) a bit before they toured Europe (see 92-03-08 & 92-04-18). They were provocative, outspoken & critical, and by times unruly (especially fellow zinester Sam & his ally Adam); but also intelligent, well-grounded & assertive – the way I like it! In the band at that moment: Sam McPheeters (vocals; editor of various zines; founder of the record-label Vermiform; later ‘Men’s Recovery Project’ – nowadays author), Adam Nathanson (guitar; ex ‘Life’s Blood’, later ‘Young Pioneers’), Javier Villegas (bass) & Jon Hiltz (drums; later ‘Greyhouse’).


Posted in 1991, USA zines | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Citizen Fish (UK Resist #2)

UK Resist is mentioned elsewhere on these pages already… It didn’t quite turn out the Maximum Rock’n’Roll of the UK as was intended but it sure was a decent effort.

This interview was done by Tom Woolford at a gig in March 1990 in Brighton, about half a year after the band started.

When ‘Culture Shock’ ( folded (we’d had them playing for Smurfpunx; 88-05-13), Dick Lucas (vocalist; Bluurg recs) got back together with drummer ‘Trotsky’ (who he’d been in ‘Subhumans’ with). Together with bassist Jasper Patterson (also in ‘Culture Shock’) and guitarist Larry (at the moment of this interview) they played ska-influenced punk with a touch of reggae, under the name ‘Citizen Fish’ ( At the time they had a demo out and they were about to go into the studio for their first album (Free Souls In A Trapped Environment). Later they played at our autonomous centre Vort’n Vis a few times (93-02-21, 93-10-24 & 94-09-17) when Phil Bryant (also ex ‘Subhumans’) had replaced Larry as guitarist.


Posted in 1990, UK zines | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Corrupted Morals (Strul #5)

When I was organising ‘Lethal Gospel’s 3rd European tour in 1989, I got in touch with Patrick Fredriksson who started organising shows in his hometown Gävle (Sweden). This was the first show he promoted. ‘No Means No’, ‘Fugazi’ and many more followed. He also did a zine – entitled Strul (which means “trivial, petty, useless, insignificant”) – so I guess we traded. I got issue #5 (interview with ‘Corrupted Morals’, ‘Desecration’, ’16 B.U.H.’, ‘K.G.B.’, etc.), which was the last one as he was goin’ to start doing Screaming Mess with his mate Patrik Söderberg (they had done a Swedish HC compilation-tape together).

During a stay in San Francisco (1989) I purchased ‘Corrupted Morals’ first 7″ (Chet; out on LookOut recs). They were a political band and connected to MaximumRock’n’Roll’s venue (924 Gilman street), and got a lot of attention from European zines aswell… This interview was done with vocalist Rick Morgan. The others were Ray Sebastian & Dan Boland (guitar), Jose Mariscol (drums) and Roman (bass)… From the review in Tilt! #4: >>C.M. play powerful straight-forward HC with some breaks. Very good and original socio-cultural lyrics. A record  with a song called Peer Pressure (talks about what SxE really is, even though C.M. isn’t a straight-edge band) is not to be left aside.<<


Posted in 1988, Swedish zines | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Lifecycle (Infantile #2)

This interview comes from Infantile zine which was done my Vincent ‘Pit’ Maes (who resided in my hometown at that time and was the singer of the youthcrew band ‘Instinct’). I only got this issue. Besides reviews, a few columns and photos, it contains interviews with ‘Eyeball’, ‘Sincerity’, ‘Spirit Of Youth’ and ‘Upfront’.

‘Lifecycle’ was a ‘new-school’ metal-influenced HC band from the Ieper/Kortrijk region (H8000 but not with that typical sound; because of the female vocals they reminded of ‘Shortsight’). The band consisted of Sofie Vantomme (vocals; co-founder Vincent Merveillie soon went on to sing for ‘Spirit Of Youth’), Karel Deweerdt (guitar), Steve Noyelle (guitar), Jurgen Degryse (bass; later replaced by Maarten Kinet, Peter Leuwers & Jelle Dobbelaere) and Jan ‘Relle’ Verhelst (drums; Jan Volckaert of ‘Resist The Pain’ stood in a few times during gigs; Vincent Tetaert joined in a later stage). They recorded a demo (There Is Hope Again) in 1997 (at Michael ‘Link’ Maes’ home-studio) and a few years later a mini-album (CD) entitled Forever…Until… (at 195 studio; released on SoberMind recs). The band never aimed at being a ‘real’ H8000-styled band, they just did their own thing and I value them for that…


Posted in 1998, Belgian zines | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Attitude (interview by Daragh Hayes in 1987)

While on an exchange-programme in Germany, Daragh Hayes (the later bassist of ‘Sons Of Ishmael’ – 16 at the time) interviewed ‘Attitude’ who were were touring Europe. His intention was to publish it in a zine he wanted to do with a mate but that didn’t work out. It eventually (in the new century) ended up in Equalizing Distort, a monthly publication that is an extension of the weekly radio-show (dedicated to the underground hardcore-punk scene) that Stephe(n) Perry (singer of the band ‘One Blood’, and co-editor of Drastic Solutions zine) and friends are doing for a Toronto radio-station.

Just as myself, Daragh seemed a bit disappointed by the band’s attitude. I was also really impressed by ‘Attitude Adjustment’s LP American Paranoia (of which my band covered a few songs) but when meeting them in Belgium (our collective also set up a show for them: 87-12-11), I was a bit disappointed by their “American HC imperialism” and rather commercial way of thinking. On this tour Andy Andersen (vocals), Chris Scaparro (guitar) and Rick Strahl (bass) took drummer Joey Devlin along. The summer before this tour they had recorded the Kein Schlaf Bis Deutschland 12” with Keith Chatham (‘Condemned to Death’ guitarist) playing bass and Paul Birnbaum (who was in ‘Septic Death’) on drums (replacing Chris Kontos). Paul left the band before the tour… Joey played on the The Good, The Bad, The Obnoxious 12″ (recorded in Germany early Dec. ’87) but when ‘Attitude’ got back to the USA they kicked him out of the band…

- Attitude (Daragh Hayes) a- Attitude (Daragh Hayes) b- Attitude (Daragh Hayes) c

Posted in 1987, Canadian zines | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Doom (Carry On Screaming #4)

No need to introduce ‘Doom’, I’m sure. This interview (with ‘Stick’) was done somewhere in 1996, between the release of their Monarchy Zoo 7” and the recording of the Rush Hour Of The Gods LP. They did a tour through Europe around that time too. In the band then were: Anthony ‘Stick’ Dickens (drums), Brian Talbot (guitar), Denis ‘The Deuce’ Boardman (guitar), Chris ‘Gazza’ Gascoigne (bass) & Wayne Southworth (vocals; R.I.P.).

Luc Ardilouze visited the Vort’n Vis in Ypres (Belgium) from time to time and we corresponded for a while. He lived in Bayonne (Pays Basque) and nowadays resides in Bordeaux (where he plays drums for ‘Gasmask Terrör’ an runs a small webstore Ratbone recs). This issue of C.O.S. (interviews with ‘Öpstand’ & Sludge recs, reviews and an article on police-violence) is a split with Ludovic Haché’s zine Ras B’bol. Before this Luc did another zine entitled Scream (7 issues I believe)… He also blogs from time to time (Kängnäve)…

[Translation below]

Doom (Carry On Screaming #4) aDoom (Carry On Screaming #4) bDoom (Carry On Screaming #4) c

When ‘Doom’ started out, you declared somehow that it wasn’t much more or less than a ‘joke band’ supposed to be a clone all these Scandinavian bands, who were copying ‘Discharge’ themselves… Can we consider ‘Doom’ as a more serious band nowadays?

Stick: I never intended to make ‘Doom’ a ‘joke’ band. The name ‘Doom’ was a reaction against names like ‘Death’ and other metal bands. So it was a kind of joke but it can also be taken seriously. I believe we have always been serious regarding the music and the lyrics. As individuals we’ve always appreciated jokes and I believe that because of the lyrics we write, people tend to think that we’re very serious, if not morbid. But it is rather the opposite: we love the big parties of fun. I think we didn’t change that much in 8 years. Only me and Bri remain from the original line-up but I believe we’ve seen through a lot during this period, and we’re probably not that naive as in ‘87, and that’s why our lyrics are deeper and more serious.

Would you consider recording other covers of Swedish or Japanese bands?

Stick: We haven’t really thought about it. We recently recorded Possibility Of Life Destruction by ‘Discharge’, only because we started to play it live (during our Swedish tour) and it turned out that we ended up in a studio halfway the tour. Originally we tried to record it for our second demo (in ‘88) but we played too few lines in the verse, so that the lyrics didn’t fit. We don’t expect to do other covers at the moment. Our next recording will be a full LP and I think it will contain nothing but new songs.

So what does the word ‘thrape’ mean then?

Stick: Generally we use the word ‘thrape’ when we talk about cars. If you ‘thrape’ a car, it means you push it beyond its limits until it breaks. We decided to use the word ‘thrape’ partly for its significance and because people are always trying to define us and classify us in a category. So when people ask “What are you?”, we can use our own words, rather than saying “Oh! We are…”. It’s a foolish thing on our side but it’s equally stupid to classify everything in small boxes. Break the barriers.

Stick, you play (or have played) in many excellent bands (‘Doom’, ‘Excrement Of War’, ‘Dirt’, ‘Extreme Noise Terror’, ‘Deviated Instinct’, ‘Filthkick’,…). Are you trying to compete with Ake Henriksson [played for ‘Mob 47’, ‘Protes Bengt’, etc. etc.] or what?

Stick: Yes! That’s the only reason for doing it. The other reason is that I’m friends with the bands and drummers are (or appear to be) the most difficult thing to find. That’s annoying for bands but positive for me.

Talar du svenska? Vill ni ha nagot att dricka? [Do you speak Swedish? Would you like something to drink?]

Stick: No! I don’t speak Swedish. (Red.: But you understood the question.) The only words that people teach me are insults: I can only tell people to fuck off, go to hell and burn there.

Knowing that your first LP [War Crimes, 1988] got out on Peaceville, how do you react regarding the evolution of the label, that ended up selling out to a metal major label?

Stick: When we joined Peaceville they had just started out. We appear on the first compilation-LP. ‘Hammy’ [Paul Halmshaw] seemed like a great guy and he agreed to everything we asked, particularly regarding the ‘pay no more’ label. Everything was based on trust, no contracts, but he changed and not for the better. I’m no longer in contact with him since years. Nowadays he’s trying to make us sign contracts for the transfer to Music For Nations (Red.: Peaceville was bought by Music For Nations, a big metal major label.) But he can go fuck himself if he thinks we will cooperate with the liar asshole he is.

Is this the reason why you’re-releasing the CD Total Doom [1989] yourselves (as a double-LP entitled Fuck Peaceville [1995])?

Stick: For this reason but also because I’ve never been satisfied with the recording of War Crimes. I haven’t listened to it for years because I couldn’t stand the music: all I could hear was the terrible drumming. The sound of War Crimes and the fiasco with Peaceville pushed us to do it ourselves. D.I.Y. not M.F.N.

What’s your opinion about punk-labels such as Earache (remember the first ‘Heresy’ flexi!) that end up getting into big business?

Stick: It’s just greed. Money comes before morality.

My English is not perfect, I didn’t get the full meaning of the song Scandinavian Doorbreaker. I only understood it was a message on your answering-machine by Magnus [Jansson] of Crash Mag records, apparently drunk, threatening to wreck your flat, etc. What was the reason for that?

Stick: It was just an idea of Magnus to make fun when he was drunk. He called my home that night but my girlfriend answered and so he yelled at her. Bri told me about this ‘message’ and proposed to include it on the record. We were therefore happy to compose music to accompany it in the background. During our Swedish tour we asked Magnus to do it again on stage but he was too afraid (or too drunk). It really is a good friend and all that was done for fun. Perhaps one day we will do a second part. The Magnus rap?

There is another answering-machine message on the split-EP Doomed To Extinction [1994]. Who was that? Do you get many calls from people threatening you or insulting you?

Stick: We’re not sure who they are (but we have a faint idea). We used it because we thought it was fun because they were wrong. No, we don’t get a lot of insults via the phone but directly into our face.

Do you get along well with ‘Extinction Of Mankind’? Rumors go that they have a very bad reputation in England because of their macho attitude …

Stick: We get along perfectly with ‘Extinction Of Mankind’ and these rumors regarding their attitudes are new to us. I think they are a band of lovely people. Bless them!

One of my favourite questions at the moment: you’ve recently recorded a cover of We Are The Road Crew by ‘Motörhead’. ‘Motörhead’ has always been very influential for the punk-scene but what do you think of the image that Lemmy tends to portray (swastikas, sex, violence,…)?

Stick: I love old ‘Motörhead’ music and people always talk about the swastika on the first LP but at the time a lot of punks also wore swastikas (Red.: Or were homophobic… cf. old ‘Angry Samoans’ or ‘Bad Brains’!). I believe Lemmy’s very honest and when he writes about women, I think it’s about his experiences. [Brob: That’s blaming and shaming the women! Sexist!] I don’t think he’s politically correct [Brob: Lemmy was a conservative narrowminded bastard in my opinion.] and I’m convinced he would be the first to say that he’s not. I think these nazi paraphernalia are bikers’ images. Perhaps he’s racist but that never appeared in his lyrics. I listen to ‘Motörhead’ since 1977 and at that time I didn’t really care about politics. So I grew up with ‘Motörhead’, it’s just good rock-music to me, I don’t look any further than that, maybe because I don’t want to know. [Brob: ???!!!] To me, ‘Motörhead’ do music, not politics. I won’t particularly defend them since I don’t know them.

Is there a resurgence of police-repression in England due to the Criminal (in)Justice Bill?

Stick: There has always been police-repression in England but this new amendment gives them even more power. I don’t believe many people know how it can and will affect them, and of course when it’s done, it will be too late for them to do anything about it.

What do you think of European Union? Politicians are trying to coax us by talking about free movement of people within Europe. Yet Tom [Croft] (vocalist of ‘Doom’) was not allowed to enter Greece during your tour in ’94.

Stick: It was Tom’s fault only. He couldn’t find his passport so he could not get on the plane.

To what extent do you support direct action? I mean, a lot of innocent people are injured or killed due to indiscriminate terrorism…

Stick: I wouldn’t support the indiscriminate terrorism but direct action, yes. (Red.: Another one of these thorough answers and I’m sending you a parcel-bomb! Haha!)

Do you consider yourself a pacifist? Can we fight war through violence?

Stick: No! I don’t consider myself a pacifist. I don’t think that violence is the only answer but it undeniably is one. I think the best thing to fight against war is the refusal to cooperate. (Red.: Disobedience / objection!)

Can you tell us a joke about cops?

Stick: The cops are a joke by themselves but a rather sick joke.

What would be the best way to trap one of these bastard cops to ridicule him in public?

Stick: Ask many of them to count upto 10, that would be enough.

Something to add? Perhaps a word in French as well?

Stick: We are working on a new LP [Rush Hour Of The Gods, 1996] scheduled on Flat Earth. We still don’t know the release-date but hopefully we’ll record it in Sweden (at Sunlight Studios, where we recorded our new 7” Monarchy Zoo [1996]), it depends if someone organises us concerts there to fund the trip. By then we’ll release the double LP/CD Fuck Peaceville on our own label Thrape Grade A (with the help of Profane Existence) including 37 re-recorded tracks from the CD Total Doom originally released on Peaceville. A word in French: Maurice Chevalier, shit! (Red.: Note that ‘Oi Polloi’ are more political regarding their ‘shit’… see Carry On Screaming # 1!)

Posted in 1996, French zines | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Krank (België In Dromenland)

Belgie In Dromenland - Persons Unknown Kortrijk (Stel)In the early 80s, in the Kortrijk region (Belgium) some concerts were organised under the name ‘Persons Unknown’. As far as I know most of them in a bar called Reflex (where I saw ‘The Ex’, and ‘Svätsox’ or ‘Zowiso’ – if I remember correctly?) The ‘main man’ was Mark W. He also did a bunch of zines; (Message To) Persons Unknown (‘8x), België In Dromenland [Belgium In Dreamland] (Dec ’83), 19AT4 (Feb ’84), Humdiddledumhoowahaya (Mar ’84) & Omdat Mensen Belachelijk Zijn [Because People Are Ridiculous] (June ’84). Most things I got to see from these are band-presenations (‘No Numbers’, ‘War Risk 3’, ‘Pigs In Blue Glue’, ‘Zyklome-A’).

Belgie In Dromenland - front‘Stel’ gave me this interview with ‘Krank’ (Turnhout, Belgium) from België In Dromenland. I’ve never seen that band live, though they played a gig in my hometown-area (Harelbeke, 85-03-09). Their music was more in the cold-wave vein; they had 4 songs (Forgive Me ChristFrightened / Depression / No Escape) on the Punk Etc. compilation-tape Second Time Around (’83). The band consisted of Peter Beaufays (vocals), Michel Vanderhaegen (guitar), Roel De Loore (bass) & Tony ‘Ratje’ Van Steenbergen (drums). Peter & Michel (the latter played -together with Roel- for the pop-band ‘The Sands’ later on) also did a fanzine: Het Religieus Bloedblad (the religious massacre)…

[Translation below]

Krank (Belgie In Dromenland) a (Stel)Krank (Belgie In Dromenland) b (Stel)Krank (Belgie In Dromenland) c (Stel)


Our struggle against the dark sides of society. The side that many people don’t see or don’t want to see. The struggle against the powers-that-be, the domination, manipulation, physcial, but mainly mental violence. It’s an embittered and discouraging struggle. A struggle that can lead to paranoia, depressions, drugs… We also try to fight against those things. Only the future will tell if we will win this battle. We can participate in society, what is of course the easiest way. We can end up with a noose around our neck or a syringe in our arm, or we can continue the struggle in a positive way. We hope that it will be the latter.

We don’t want to destroy things needlessly or do whatever we want but we try to live in harmony with one and other in natural order, without artificial rules or obligations. (You can call it anarchism but unfortunately the masses only understand anarchy as violence and chaos.) According to us these properties are ingrained in every human but they are only suppressed through manipulation, by school, church, parents…

The only way to reach general anarchy is to purify people’s thoughts from power and evil, and make them think as humans and ecuate them with humanity, instead of with achievements, money.

If you really want to change and want to realise what is written on your leather jacket, then start now, by addressing people, if necessary yell at them. Let yourself be heard, make pamphlets, write lyrics, make sure that you get attention, on the radio, in the media, so that you can spread your ideas; and above all: live the way you want to live your life. (By that we don’t mean beating people up or tearing things down if you feel like it.)

The struggle against war and the church. The church that keeps people obedient, that brainwashes people, the opium of the people. The church that takes the bible literally, that suppresses the most beautiful things, that causes wars, that makes people slaughter for the cross. The catholic schools: stirred up fun and camaraderie, hypocrisy, insensitive harsh punishments, mass and confession under force: we’ve experienced it and we’re sick of it.


It’s proven by the fact that most people aren’t happy: something has to change in this world. People are raised to achieve, everybody wants to possess more and more, money and luxury. One has to accomplish something in life, a well-payed job. If this is the goal of life, it’s a pretty stultifying, boring affair. (Is there life before death?) According to us it’s unnatural to sit in a school-bench or to work for 8 hours a day. At the moment however, we’re obliged to do so if we want to survive.

There will always be people who want to exert power and we can’t change much about that, but we also can’t resign ourselves.

There will always be people who want to work out their frustrations and lust for power on others: the army, police, gendarmerie. All people that are a bit ill in their minds (most of them anyway); we’re the victim of their debility. Police should only consist of people that can handle the job, that don’t get blinded by hate and frustrations, and that don’t believe they can do whatever they want in a blue uniform, but that know the problems of the people and can deal with them. Society breeds criminals, that they then sentence and lock up.

Not a lot of people feel totally at ease when the police is around. Most of them avoid the police and still they should be their friend and protector of the people?


We have realised that we should remain loyal to one and other, that we have to organise if we want to reach something. At first you’re alone and then you can’t do much but that doesn’t mean that you have to give up: look around you for people that think like you and want to change things. There’s thousands of them. Then start together, learning from your mistakes, but not become discouraged, also not when at first things seem often hopeless.

State and police are not allmighty. We know that we can’t disrupt the state, destroy it or overthrow it.

We’re not screwed up petty bourgeois, it’s our opinion that words and verbal demands are not enough to change that was is going wrong in this country. There’s already written too much about this, too many people experience it in their daily lifes. In this society only a few do well, the majority is flipping out.

Movement of June 2nd (Rote Armee Fraktion)

Lastly something about our music (???)

How we started and who we are doesn’t really matter. We don’t play hard music because we’re not hard or heavy guys and we also don’t want to present ourselves as such. We think that an audience is better addressed with music and lyrics that scream emotions rather than with superficial bashing. It’s not the intention to just let the audience pogo because nobody listens then to what we have to say. Instead it’s our intention to grasp the audience, to let them think, to move them. At a concert it would be better that it’s as quiet as a mouse after certain of our songs. Then everybody’s busy thinking, asking themselves questions. Instead of applauding and going home contended.

We don’t know how people can best describe our music, it also doesn’t interest us much. Some call it ‘positive punk’ or perhaps even ‘horror punk’, but these are just labels that people want to stick on everything, fabrications of the press.

And a word to all meat-eaters: try to stop it. It’s not that difficult, meat is not addicitive. If you don’t eat meat for a few days and buy a book about vegetarian food with the money you saved, you can start preparing equally nutricious and eaqually tasteful dishes. Vegetarianism might seem futile in your view but if every vegetarian only saves just a few animals of the hundred-thousands being killed, I think it’s worthwhile. We don’t want to force anything upon anyone but nobody has the right to force death and suffering upon. If you look at the piece of meat in your plate, just think of the butchering, the horrible screams of pain, of the guts, the blood, of the fear in their eyes, of the rotting garbage infested with fly-eggs. You see a cow in the meadow and a piece of meat in the shop but you don’t know what has happened in-between.

KRANK; Turnhout (Belgium)

*** We’ve walked quite friendly up to death / Death was never an enemy of ours / We laughed at him / No soldier’s paid to kick against his powers / We laughed (War Requiem) ***

‘Krank’ lyrics and artwork, courtesy of Koen ‘Mad Mohawk’ S.:

Krank lyricsKrank artwork_2‘Krank’ pics (1982-83; Wollewei, Turnhout), courtesy of Jack Kenis:

82q83q Krank vox (Wollewei Turnhout) by Jack Kenis82q83q Krank git+dr (Wollewei Turnhout) by Jack Kenis82q83q Krank dr (Wollewei Turnhout) by Jack Kenis82q83q Krank bass (Wollewei Turnhout) by Jack Kenis

Posted in 1983, Belgian zines | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment