NicaNotes: Humor and Irony from the United States


This week’s NicaNotes guest blog is by a long-time friend of the Nicaragua Network, Felipe Stuart. Felipe Stuart C. is a dual Nicaraguan-Canadian citizen and a longtime socialist and solidarity activist. He is a member of the Nicaraguan Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN). His short commentary addresses the media hysteria about allegations that the Russian government hacked and released embarrassing emails…

Nicanotes: Rosario Murillo and Empowering Women


This week’s blog is a translation of two pieces written as part of the Spanish-language blog, Informe Pastran, on Dec. 30 entitled respectively, “Women as Protagonists of Change” and “2016: The Year of Rosario Murillo.” To read the originals you can go here and here. In the November election, Murillo, wife of President Daniel Ortega, was elected in her own right as vice-president…

Nicanotes: An Appeal for Support


The Alliance for Global Justice started its activist life as the Nicaragua Network way back in February, 1979, six months before the Triumph of the Sandinista Revolution. During the 1980s we took thousands of people to Nicaragua to pick coffee, build health centers and schools, plant trees, and generally witness for themselves the reality of…

NicaNotes: What Difference will a Trump Presidency Make for Nicaragua?


I’ve been thinking about what a Trump presidency is going to mean for Nicaragua and the ALBA countries. My basic conclusion is: how can it be any worse than it has been under Obama’s presidency, or would have been under Hillary Clinton’s presidency? Since Bill Clinton, Democrats have sub-contracted US policy toward Latin America to the far-right,…