BK/NY – Tuesday, January 17th – Letter-Writing Dinner In Solidarity with the Trans Prisoner Day of Action

WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
WHEN: 7pm sharp, Tuesday, January 17th, 2017
WHERE: The Base1302 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11221 (directions below)

NOTE: The Base is on the ground floor, is wheelchair accessible, and has a gender neutral toilet.
COST: Free
In honor of the second annual January 22nd Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity, NYC ABC will be writing letters to anarchist & environmental activist Marius Mason and whistleblower Chelsea Manning. Marius Mason, who initiated the Trans Prisoner Day of Action last year, had this to say about supporting trans prisoners:

Thank you for coming together today, to hold up those members of our community who struggle so hard behind walls to keep their sense of self intact. Sovereignty over our selves, our bodies is essential for any other kind of liberty to be possible. By reaching out to trans prisoners, you affirm their right to define themselves for themselves – and defend them against the overwhelming voices who claim that they do not exist, that they must allow others to define them. In the isolating environment of prison, this is toxic and intimidating, and amounts to the cruelest form of psychological torture. By offering your help and solidarity, you may just save a life. I know that for the last year and a half, as I have struggled to assert myself as a transman, as I have advocated for the relief of appropriate medical care for my gender dysphoria – it has been the gentle and loving reminders of my extended family of supporters who have given me strength and courage to continue. Please join me in offering this help to so many others who need it to keep going. Never underestimate the healing power of a letter, those letters have kept me going…and I want to pass that gift on, if you will help me.

Thank you again for coming together on this day, for connecting to those on the inside who truly need you, who need you to see them as they really are and striving to be. Until the prisons are gone, we need to work hard to support those of us inside – especially those of us who are not always as visible to the rest of the world. We are always stronger together.

Marius Mason

transprisoners event imageMarius Mason is a revolutionary anarchist, avid community gardener, musician, parent of two, writer, Earth First! Organizer, IWW member, and former volunteer for a free herbal healthcare collective. He was an extended care assistant at a small Cincinnati school when arrested on March 10, 2008 by federal agents. Marius was convicted of involvement with a December, 1999 arson at a Michigan State University office in which GMO research was being conducted and a January, 2000 arson of logging equipment in Mesick, Michigan. Both arsons were claimed by the Earth Liberation Front.

Chelsea Manning is a whistleblower who played an integral role in a massive WikiLeaks release of military documents and files in 2010. This release included video of journalists being murdered, documentation of abuses and torture, and files exposing some of the spying done by the US. She was sentenced to 35 years in prison. This past year has been particularly difficult for Chelsea and she needs all of the love and support she can get.

If you are unable to attend the letter writing dinner, you can write to Marius and Chelsea at:
Marie (Marius) Mason #04672-061
FMC Carswell
Post Office Box 27137
Fort Worth, TX 76127
*Address card/letter to Marius Mason

Chelsea E. Manning 89289
1300 North Warehouse Road
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-2304

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Over 150 in the streets for NYC ABC NYE Noise Demo

NYE 01.png2016 started strong as we welcomed home Albert Woodfox. Throughout the year, we saw more comrades released (Mohaman Koti, Jason Hammond, Rebecca Rubin, Gary Tyler, Kevin Olliff, Luke O’Donovan, Barrett Brown, and Maliki Shakur Latine). And yet, as more elders age behind the wall, we lost two true warriors, Mondo we Langa and Abdullah Majid (also, sadly, Mohaman Koti died just two months after his release). To close the year, NYC ABC organized a noise demo outside of Manhattan’s Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in order to protest, celebrate, and let folks on the inside know they are not forgotten.

We got there a little after 8:30 and others were there waiting. We greeted old comrades and folks we’d yet to meet and by 9:00pm, a decent crowd had formed. The night was relatively warm by winter standards, but friends showed up with five gallons of hot chocolate to make sure everyone’s vocal cords stayed nice and toasty as we yelled and sang upward, into the steel and cement monolith that is MCC.

There were all manner of noise makers, most folks brought their own. Hell, we even had a full-blown marching band roll through to keep this noise demo lit. The Rude Mechanical Orchestra kicked out the jams and the mood was jovial.

And while folks were there to celebrate and reach through the walls, signs and banners also expressed the brimming rage of the crowd. A crew from The Base showed up with black flags and banners to make sure all inside knew there were anarchists organizing in solidarity with them.

NYE 02.pngThe demo lasted a couple of hours, but not before folks broke out sparklers and fireworks. And not before a fair amount of cops came to observe. They didn’t have riot gear or visible plasitcuffs, so the threat was more in what a bunch of preposterous goons they are than in any potential for arrest.

We’ve been told before, by comrades who were once held in MCC, that the noise demos light up the whole place and get through to the prisoners. If you’re thinking about organizing a noise demo in your town, do it.

Shortly before the crowd started to break up and head out, the following statement was read as a call and response, ensuring that our comrades inside could hear it:
“To many it feels like we live in a time like no other with surveillance and repression at every turn, but also resistance, rebellion, and open revolt. This is neither the new golden nor dark age, it is simply another moment in time where we can collectively force conflict with a  fucked up system.

Every day there are revolts of varying scale, most of which you never hear about. For those captured in revolt, we come together in protest and celebration. Through the din of revelry and rage, we tie ourselves to those who suffer systematized white supremacy and war against the working class, behind steel bars and safety glass.

Prison is a means of social control to be absolutely destroyed.

Here’s to the total destruction of a prison-based society!

Tonight we bring with us the courage of Sundiata Acoli, the ferocity of Joe-Joe Bowen, the wisdom of Russell Maroon Shoatz.

We remember in every act of rebellion against the state, our deceased comrades Mondo we Langa and Abdullah Majid— your legacies will never be forgotten.

We hold in our hearts comrades soon to be or recently imprisoned.


Illustrated Guide Version 11.10 Now Uploaded!

We’ve finished the latest version of the NYC ABCIllustrated Guide to Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War” and it’s available for viewing (and download) by clicking on the tab at the top of this page. This update includes updated mini-bios, photos, and address changes for several prisoners as well as removes Maliki Shakur Latine (time served!).

BK/NY – Tuesday, January 3rd – Letter-Writing Dinner For New York State Political Prisoners

WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
WHEN: 7pm sharp, Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017
WHERE: The Base1302 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11221 (directions below)

NOTE: The Base is on the ground floor, is wheelchair accessible, and has a gender neutral toilet.
COST: Free
nys-2017Ah yes, 2017. Doesn’t the new year imbue such feelings of revitalization and a renewed sense of optimism? Yeah, right. We know better than that. Not only does 2017 mean looking down the barrel of an orange fascist presidency but it marks another calendar year that comrades who have fought for the revolution are stuck behind bars. This week NYC ABC will be writing to those closest to us, those held captive in New York State prisons: Jalil Muntaqim, Robert Seth Hayes, Herman Bell, David Gilbert, and Reverend Joy Powell.

Jalil Muntaqim and Robert Seth Hayes, both former Black Panthers, have been frequenting prison support news wires for the past few months; unfortunately for nothing positive.  Jalil has been in the SHU (Special Housing Unit) since December 6th as a result of him teaching a Black history course. Although this course was approved by the prison administration, they have decided they didn’t like the accuracy of what he was teaching and threw him in the SHU as an ongoing effort to censor him. To read his explanation of the situation, read here.

Robert Seth Hayes continues to experience life threatening medical problems with (unsurprisingly) no help from the state. He was told on October 12th that he needs an insulin pump to help monitor his diabetes but the prison has still failed to deliver this life saving mechanism to him. Read more information and how you can support him fight for the medical care he requires here.

Herman Bell is also a former Black Panther who has been locked up for four decades. Like Jalil and Seth, he was yet again denied parole in 2016. Each time, the board – always made of up former law enforcement personnel and former prosecutors — reviews his very impressive record, the Bachelor’s and Master’s college degrees he has attained since being locked up, his job offers, his numerous letters of support from family, friends, and community members from many walks of life. They have before them evidence of all the ways Herman has helped so many people throughout the course of his confinement and is still leading a positive and progressive life despite being locked up now over four decades. See the petition for his latest parole request and hear from Herman his thoughts on his latest parole board appearance here.

David Gilbert was moved in 2016 to Wende Correctional Facility, luckily closer to some close comrades and unfortunately farther from others. David is a long time anti-racist and anti-imperialist who is serving a life sentence for his involvement as a white comrade to the Black Liberation Army during an attempted expropriation, better known as the Brinks Robbery. He has continued the struggle while held captive. For more information, see here.

Reverend Joy Powell was warned by the Rochester Police department that she was a target because of her speaking out against corruption.  On many occasions, Rev. Joy held rallies and spoke out against the police brutality and “police justifications” in Rochester, New York. As a result, she was accused and convicted of 1st Degree Burglary and Assault. Rev. Joy has filed multiple grievances for sexual assault and religious discrimination among other things, as well as been repeatedly denied medical attention for her diabetes and asthma. For more information on how you can help support, read here.

We hope you’ll join us Tuesday to send these lifetime revolutionaries some love and solidarity. If for some reason you have something more “important” to do, then you can write to them from the comfort of your home office:

Jalil Muntaqim* (Anthony Jalil Bottom) #77-A-4283
Attica Correctional Facility
Post Office Box 149
Attica, New York 14011-0149
*Address the envelope to Anthony Bottom and the letter to Jalil.

Robert Seth Hayes #74-A-2280
Sullivan Correctional Facility
Post Office Box 116
Fallsburg, New York 12733-0116

Herman Bell #79-C-0262
Great Meadow Correctional Facility
11739 State Route 22
Post Office Box 51
Comstock, New York 12821-0051

David Gilbert #83-A-6158
Wende Correctional Facility
3040 Wende Road
Alden, New York 14004

Reverend Joy Powell 07G0632
Bedford Hills Correctional Facility
Post Office Box 1000
Bedford Hills, New York 10507-2499
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NYC/NYE – Noise Demo Against the Prison Industrial Complex, In Solidarity with PPs and POWs

NYE 2014_WEBWHAT: Noise Demo Against the PIC, for the Liberation of PPs + POWs
WHEN: 9:00pm, Saturday, December 31st
WHERE: Metropolitan Correction Center (MCC, the federal prison in downtown Manhattan); Pearl Street, between Cardinal Hayes Place and Park Row (J to Chambers Street or 4/5/6/ to City Hall)
BRING: Noisemakers, air horns, drums, anything that is loud!

On the noisiest night of the year in New York City, come help us remind folks locked up that they are not alone. NYC Anarchist Black Cross, in response to an international call for noise demonstrations outside of prisons, is asking folks to join us outside of the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in lower Manhattan. Come, not to appeal to authority, speak truth to power, or any other contrivance, but rather to stand arm in arm with comrades and show direct solidarity to those on the other side of the wall.

The state, writ large, is targeting anarchists all across the United States and abroad. This will be both protest and celebration. To keep the cold at bay, comrades will again be on hand with hot cocoa to keep the vocal cords nice and warm.

BK/NY – Tuesday, December 20th – Letter-Writing Dinner For Indigenous Water Protector Red Fawn Fallis

WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
WHEN: 7pm sharp, Tuesday, December 20th, 2016
WHERE: The Base1302 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11221 (directions below)

NOTE: The Base is on the ground floor, is wheelchair accessible, and has a gender neutral toilet.
COST: Free
redfawnAs the year is coming to an end we are left with much to reflect on. The ongoing battle at Standing Rock from indigenous folks and their allies against those who would take away their land and water has been an intense continuing inspiration of resistance. These defenders of water have faced serious repression from the State and private security forces since the beginning of this struggle with mass arrests, continuing harrasment, and physical attacks, including the recent assault on local #NoDAPL supporter Sophia Wilansky who nearly lost her greatly injured arm to an explosive deployed by local cops while she was assisting those on the front lines. This week we will be writing to Red Fawn Fallis, an Oglala Lakota Sioux water protector who is currently facing federal firearms charges.

On October 27th, Red Fawn and over 140 other water protectors were arrested on the front lines of Standing Rock during a massive police raid on a camp of resisters. Red Fawn was initially accused of firing on local cops while being arrested and charged with attempted murder but those charges have since been dropped and Red Fawn was then transferred into federal custody to face federal charges of possessing a firearm while being a felon. Red Fawn has been steadfast in her dedication to the struggle by putting her body on the line despite the endless attacks of the local cops and private security hired by the pipeline company and being arrested on two other occasions during her stay.

We encourage everyone who writes to Red Fawn to keep in mind that she is still facing trial and to be extra cautious in writing to her. As always, do not write anything sketchy or illegal as it will put Red Fawn in a worse situation as her mail is likely being monitored. For that reason, you should also not mention the charges she facing or the actions she is accused of, as any communication of that sort can only serve the State and their case and harm Red Fawn. Do not let this dissuade you from writing to Red Fawn as she can use all of the support that she can get right now. Her support crew also has a fundraiser setup for her legal expenses: https://www.generosity.com/fundraising/free-red-fawn

If you can’t make it to dinner, please write to Red Fawn at:
Red Fawn Fallis

Stutsman County Correctional Center
205 6th Street SE, Suite 201
Jamestown, North Dakota 58401

It is also with great heaviness in our hearts that we remember NYC resident and comrade Clark Fitzgerald who passed away while traveling to the front lines of Standing Rock in order to assist the resistance.

There is also a federal grand jury that is ongoing in relation to #NoDAPL. Always remember that if you are subpoenaed or approached by law enforcement in this and in any circumstance that you should not answer any of their questions and that you should immediately contact a lawyer. If you have been contacted by law enforcement or subpoenaed specifically in relation to the Standing Rock resistance, contact the Water Protector Legal Collective in order to protect yourself and your comrades.
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Illustrated Guide Version 11.9 Now Uploaded!

We’ve finished the latest version of the NYC ABCIllustrated Guide to Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War” and it’s available for viewing (and download) by clicking on the tab at the top of this page. This update includes updated mini-bios, photos, and address changes for several prisoners as well as removes Barrett Brown (time served!).