Step away from your ego, advises Farfetch director and yogi Candice Fragis

Farfetch buying and merchandising director Candice Fragis prefers to practise yoga three times a week.
Farfetch buying and merchandising director Candice Fragis prefers to practise yoga three times a week. Supplied

Performing sun salutations for three hours straight as part of an art installation at a London gallery and practising beside the Ganges to the chanting Spanish monks are just two of the ways yoga has enriched the life of Farfetch buying and merchandising director Candice Fragis. She answers our Time Out Q&A.;

How did you get into yoga and how long have you been practising it?

I've been practising yoga for the better part of 18 years. Someone recommended I try it when I was 18 because I had problems sleeping. Once the yoga door was unlocked, the journey began and I have been practising ever since.

Kind of yoga

Candice Fragis has been practising yoga since she was 18.
Candice Fragis has been practising yoga since she was 18. Supplied

Most of my practice has been Ashtanga-based, but I am a certified practitioner in dynamic flow and my preference is anything Vinyasa-based. That said, I have now had to step away from that practice and have recently started Iyengar to support my hypermobility.

In a class or at home, and how often do you practise?

Both. When I'm in the flow I practise up to three times a week. At the moment, I am just about managing one class a week with short self-practice most mornings.

Guru or favourite teacher

Over the years, I have had many favourite teachers. I don't particularly believe in having one guru.

Do you feel different now compared with when you started?

Yes, and the feeling is ever changing.

Favourite pose

I love inversions, especially candle pose, which is an unsupported shoulder stand. Other favourites include pigeon pose and scorpion pose.

Least favourite

Cow face pose challenges me a lot and is one of my least favourites.

Poses you just can't manage

I struggle with wide-angle, seated forward bends. Unfortunately, my hips will simply not let me go there.

What about the spiritual aspects of yoga or do you treat it as purely physical?

For me, yoga started as purely physical. At this point, it's mostly spiritual, facilitated by the physical.

Most memorable yoga experience

Being part of a moving installation at the Whitechapel Gallery (in London). We had to do a continuous series of sun salutations for three hours straight.

Most exotic/oddest place you've done yoga

Overlooking the Ganges at sunset in Rishikesh, India, with the sound of Spanish monks chanting. It was magical.

Injuries and other frustrations

I've had many small injuries over the years; however, my biggest frustration stems from my relatively recently discovered hypermobility. For the moment, I have had to step away from practising Vinyasa and am doing Iyengar instead.

Tips to become a better yogi

Be conscious of the ego and try to step away from it guiding your practice – and life.

Most like to do yoga with

I would have loved to have done yoga with BKS Iyengar and Vanda Scaravelli.

Favourite yoga gear

I wear a variety of brands; however, I particularly like the sportswear label LAAIN.

Anything you don't like about yoga?

I don't like when people use yoga to preach – it's very un-yogic.

Most love about it

I love that it is a continual practice and, therefore, ever changing and dynamic.

Thoughts from the mat

Let it be!