
'Why did you have to leave us like this?' - three dead after toxic drug batch

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He was young, brash and handsome, with more than a passing resemblance to New Zealand rugby and boxing star Sonny Bill Williams. 

He adored his French bulldog Bruce and doted on his great grandmother, who turned 100 last year.

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Ecstasy responsible for Chapel Street overdoses

A bad batch of illicit drugs is believed to have caused 20 hospitalisations along the Melbourne party strip over the weekend. (Video courtesy ABC News 24)

But the life of a 30-year-old man ended abruptly last Friday evening, when he ingested an unknown illicit drug and went into cardiac arrest.

Paramedics were unable to save the man and police are investigating his tragic death in connection to a spate of overdoses last weekend, most of which occurred around the Chapel Street entertainment precinct. 

A deadly batch of ecstasy has been blamed, with three deaths and up 20 people requiring hospital treatment, including a 17-year-old boy who remains in a serious condition at a Melbourne hospital.

On Monday, tributes flowed for the victim, who studied at Sandringham College and worked for a sports nutrition company in Port Melbourne. 


Fairfax Media has decided not to name the man after family members did not respond to requests for comment.

"It is with the deepest sadness and heaviest of hearts that my family and I say goodbye. The comedian of the family, centre of attention and always giving pure kindness. A cherished son, and brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, grandson, great grandson and friend," said the man's younger sister in a Facebook post.

Other grief stricken friends also posted tributes on Facebook. 

"I keep asking myself why.. why did this have to happen? Why did you have to leave us like this? Way too young to leave us all behind."

The exact drug responsible for his death and the other overdoses is the subject of conjecture.

Police investigators suspect it was MDMA mixed with another drug, possibly gamma hydroxybutyrate, or GHB.

The management of Prahran nightclub Revolver Upstairs, where at least five patrons overdosed on Saturday night,  pointed the finger at synthetic drugs, rather than MDMA, or ecstasy. 

It is suspected the problem drugs came in capsule, rather than tablet form, but this could not be confirmed.

Synthetic drugs, including substances created to mimic cannabis and LSD, have previously been linked to overdoses.

The Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association has found that the use of new psychoactive substances such as synthetic ecstasy in Australia has dramatically increased, but there is a paucity of research about the harm these drugs cause.

A discussion paper published by the association last September recommended the creation of a comprehensive database which would capture information from police, health services, and users about emerging concerns with particular types of synthetic drugs.

A recent report by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre also warned of a sharp rise in the use of ecstasy crystals over the past three years.

The study that surveys regular users of psychostimulants on an annual basis found almost 60 per cent of users now took ecstasy in a higher purity crystal form that increased the risk of overdose.

The Greens have urged the state government to consider the introduction of a testing regime that would allow recreational users to determine the purity of their drugs.

Greens health spokeswoman Colleen Hartland said government-backed testing could also issue public alerts about dangerous drugs that would save lives.

However Victorian government minister Jaala Pulford immediately ruled out pill testing on Monday.

"The government has no plans to introduce a pill-testing regime," she said.

Victoria Police and the government came under fire on social media for refusing to provide any details about the deadly drugs responsible for the overdoses, including the colour of the pills or any identifying brands.

On Monday, French national Sebastien Verger-Giambelluco fronted court following his arrest in connection to one of the overdoses at Revolver Upstairs nightclub.

Mr Verger-Giambelluco is charged with trafficking and possessing a drug of dependence and dealing with the suspected proceeds of crime.

He was granted bail when a magistrate cast doubt over the strength of the case against Mr Verger-Giambelluco, as it was unclear whether the woman took the drugs he allegedly sold or whether she also took other drugs.

With Adam Cooper and Benjamin Preiss