- published: 23 Jan 2017
- views: 7
Karel Čapek (Czech: [ˈkarɛl ˈtʃapɛk]; 9 January 1890 – 25 December 1938) was a Czech writer of the early 20th century. He had multiple roles throughout his career such as playwright, dramatist, essayist, publisher, literary reviewer, and art critic. Nonetheless, he is best known for his science fiction, including his novel War with the Newts and the play R.U.R., (Rossum's Universal Robots) which introduced the word robot.
Arthur Miller wrote in 1990:
Although primarily known for his work in science fiction, Čapek also wrote several politically charged works dealing with the social turmoil of his time. Having helped create the Czechoslovak PEN Club as a key part of the International PEN Club, he campaigned in favor of free expression and utterly despised the rise of fascism in Europe. Were it not for his untimely death (of natural causes) taking place as Nazi Germany began its takeover of Czechoslovakia, he would likely have been found and executed by the Gestapo. In the aftermath of World War II, his legacy as a literary figure has been well established.
Karel Čapek R U R - Rozhlasová hra
Karel Čapek - Továrna na Absolutno
Karel Čapek - Povídky z jedné kapsy (Mluvené slovo, Audioknihy | AudioStory)
Karel Čapek - Válka s mloky
Karel Čapek - Komisař Mejzlík zasahuje - Rozhlasová hra - česky
R.U.R. - Karel Čapek AUDIOKNIHA
Dášeňka, 3. díl - Jak rostla
Karel Čapek
Karel Capek - Robots
Karel Čapek: VĚC MAKROPULOS - Jana Štěpánková
Actors: Ota Sklencka (actor), Svatopluk Benes (actor), Otakar Brousek (actor), Jirí Brozek (editor), Libuse Safránková (actress), Jan Kacer (actor), Josef Abrhám (actor), Frantisek Rehák (actor), Hana Maciuchová (actress), Vera Galatíková (actress), Pavlína Mourková (actress), Jan Censký (actor), Stepán Skalský (writer), Stepán Skalský (director), Stepán Skalský (writer),
Genres: Drama,R.U.R. - audiokniha obsahuje jednu ze slavných her, jejímž autorem je Karel Čapek. Hrají Otakar Brousek, st., Jaroslava Adamová, Vladimír Brabec, Jaromír Spal, Josef Patočka, Vladimír Krška, Vladimír Hlavatý, Marie Vášová, Jaromír Hanzlík, Růžena Merunková, Bořivoj Navrátil, Marta Kučírková, Svatopluk Skládal, Karel Houska a další. Režie: František Štěpánek. Utopické RUR (Rossum’s Universal Robots, Rossumovi univerzální Roboti) je v pořadí třetí drama Karla Čapka, časově mu předcházely komedie Lásky hra osudná a Loupežník. Souběžně s ním však s bratrem pracoval také na komedii Ze života hmyzu. Podle vlastních slov dostal Karel Čapek právě při psaní Mravenců nápad na utopické drama a koncipuje Roboty. RUR bylo dopsáno v roce 1920, kdy také vyšlo poprvé tiskem. Premiéru v Národním divadle m...
http://thetripsfestival.com/ Please donate BitCoins to 1Kf7CbttPTihSymrbJQ42Bt3eaFbjAuj3M Timothy Leary Archive
Pro informace o dalších audioknihách a novinkách navštivte naše stránky http://www.audiostory.cz/ . Karel Čapek Povídky z jedné kapsy Čte: Ota Sklenčka, Vlastimil Brodský Celou audioknihu si můžete koupit na: http://audioteka.cz/povidky-z-jedne-kapsy,audiokniha.html http://media.alza.cz/povidky-zjedne-kapsy-d458435.htm Český dramatik, prozaik a překladatel v těchto povídkách dospěl k dokonalosti žánru detektivní povídky. Mnoho čtenářů si je opravdu oblíbilo, a byly zpracovány pro rozhlas, i televizi. Jsou psány moderním jazykem a mají v sobě nadčasové, humanistické poselství, a proto asi nikdy nezestárnou a neupadnou v zapomnění. Mimo jiné také proto, že jejich tématy jsou kriminální příběhy, avšak způsob autorova vyprávění nepozbývá nadhledu a smyslu pro humor.
Robots the labourers, humanoids and a androids, servers and servants, slaves and helpers, technological marvels Word robot was introduced by the famous Czech writer Karel Capek which first appeared in his play and book R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) in 1921. Capek modified the word Robota which means hard labour to Robot = hard labourer
Rachel Reiner, Managing Director of Resonance Ensemble, interviews Lee Eric Shackleford, adaptor of R.U.R. (Originally written by Karel Capek). Resonance Ensemble is an Off-Broadway theatre in New York City. Its mission is to weave a thread between the theatre's past, present, and future. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ResonanceEnsemble Twitter: http://twitter.com/resonancenyc Website: http://www.resonanceensemble.org/
povídka z cyklu Čapkovy kapsy (2011) režie: Jan Chramosta hudební úpravy: Zdeněk Berry Beran harmonika: Jarmila Chromíková
Rencontre avec Gérard-Georges Lemaire Ecrivain d'art et commissaire de l'exposition Vie, mort et miracles de Karel Čapek Exposition organisée en écho à l'Affaire Makropoulos, opéra de Leoš Janáček D'après la pièce éponyme de Karel Čapek Nouvelle production 2010 Angers Nantes Opéra Direction musicale Marc Shanahan, mise en scène Patrice Caurier & Moshe Leiser. Par mathieu delalle, jeudi 23 septembre 201
Robots the labourers, humanoids and a androids, servers and servants, slaves and helpers, technological marvels Word robot was introduced by the famous Czech writer Karel Capek which first appeared in his play and book R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) in 1921. Capek modified the word Robota which means hard labour to Robot = hard labourer
We take a look behind the scenes at the USF School of Theatre & Dance's rehearsals and we interview some of the actors and students involved in the upcoming production of R.U.R. Don't miss the play that birthed the word "robot." Karel Capek's R.U.R. ("Rossum's Universal Robots") imaginatively takes you into a strange robot making factory - where the profits for the sale of robot workers are enormous and the robots outnumber the humans by hundreds. April 4-6 & April 11-14 @ 8pm April 7 & 15 @ 3pm Theatre 2, USF Tampa Campus For tickets and more information visit: http://theatreanddance.arts.usf.edu/content/templates/?a=2911&z;=72
Come and join us at Rossum's Universal Robots -- where everyone is polite and smart and perfect in every way -- not to mention the product of bioengineering. See the play that birthed the word "robot." Karel Capek's R.U.R. ("Rossum's Universal Robots") imaginatively takes you into a strange robot making factory - where the profits for the sale of robot workers are enormous and the robots outnumber the humans by hundreds. Rossum scientists bioengineer robots that look and act more and more human with each new version. What makes us human? Our brain, our creativity, our soul? This is the question that the humans on Rossum's Island argue as they develop and improve upon the ultimate workforce. And in the answer lies the fate of the future of the world. For Tickets and more information v...
Cafe Neu Romance is the first international robot performance festival in the World which took place for the first time at the Galerie NTK in Prague November 26-29 2012. It was organized by Danish robot event & marketing company Vive Les Robots! and co-organized by Galerie NTK at the National Technical Library in the Czech Capital. The first version of Cafe Neu Romance contained a strong line-up, where Professor Jana Horakova of Masaryk University in Brno hold the opening lecture: Karel Capek - Czech Frankenstein, which is about Rossum's Universal Robots (R.U.R). Read more on Cafe Neu Romance at cafe-neu-romance.com