- published: 19 Apr 2016
- views: 8229172
Fire ant is the common name for several species of ants in the genus Solenopsis. They are, however, only a minority in the genus, which includes over 200 species of Solenopsis worldwide. Solenopsis are stinging ants and most of their common names reflect this, for example, ginger ants and tropical fire ants. Many species also are called red ants because of their light brown colour, though species of ants in many other genera are similarly named for similar reasons. Examples include Myrmica rubra and Pogonomyrmex barbatus.
None of these names applies in all countries nor to all species of Solenopsis, nor only to Solenopsis species; for example the colloquial names for several species of weaver ants in the genus Oecophylla in Southeast Asia include "fire ants" because of their red color and painful sting; the two genera, however, are not closely related. Also, Wasmannia auropunctata is commonly called the "little fire ant."
The bodies of mature fire ants, like the bodies of all typical mature insects, are divided into three sections: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen, with three pairs of legs and a pair of antennae. Fire ants of those species invasive in the United States can be distinguished from other ants locally present, by their copper brown head and body with a darker abdomen. The worker ants are blackish to reddish, and their size varies from 2 to 6 mm (0.079 to 0.236 in). In an established nest these different sizes of ants all are present at the same time.
National Geographic or NatGeo may refer to:
Mystery meat navigation (also known as MMN) is a disparaging term coined in 1998 by Vincent Flanders, author and designer of the website Web Pages That Suck, to describe a web page where the destination of the link is not visible until the user points their cursor at it. Such interfaces lack a user-centered design, emphasizing aesthetic appearance, white space, and the concealment of relevant information over basic practicality and functionality.
The epithet "mystery meat" refers to the meat products often served in American public school cafeterias whose forms have been so thoroughly reprocessed that their exact types can no longer be identified by their appearances: like them, the methods of MMN are clear to the producer but baffling to the consumer.
Flanders originally and temporarily described the phenomenon as Saturnic navigation in reference to the Saturn Corporation, whose company website epitomized this phenomenon. Flanders writes, "The typical form of MMN is represented by menus composed of unrevealing icons that are replaced with explicative text only when the mouse cursor hovers over them".
The coyote (US /kaɪˈoʊtiː/ or /ˈkaɪ.oʊt/, UK /kɔɪˈjoʊteɪ/, or /kɔɪˈjoʊt/;Canis latrans) is a canid native to North America. It is a smaller, more basal animal than its close relative, the gray wolf, being roughly the North American equivalent to the Old World golden jackal, though it is larger and more predatory in nature. It is listed as "least concern" by the IUCN, on account of its wide distribution and abundance throughout North America, even southwards through Mexico and Central America. It is a highly versatile species, whose range has expanded amidst human environmental modification. This expansion is ongoing, and it may one day reach South America, as shown by the animal's presence beyond the Panama Canal in 2013.As of 2005, 19 subspecies are recognized.
The ancestors of the coyote diverged from those of the gray wolf, 1–2 million years ago, with the modern species arising in North America during the Middle Pleistocene. It is highly flexible in social organization, living either in nuclear families or in loosely knit packs of unrelated individuals. It has a varied diet consisting primarily of animal matter, including ungulates, lagomorphs, rodents, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates, though it may also eat fruit and vegetable matter on occasion. It is a very vocal animal, whose most iconic sound consists of a howl emitted by solitary individuals.Humans aside, cougars and gray wolves are the coyote's only serious enemies. Nevertheless, coyotes have on occasion mated with the latter species, producing hybrids colloquially called "coywolves".
Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. Slower oxidative processes like rusting or digestion are not included by this definition.
Fire is hot because conversion of the weak double bond in molecular oxygen, O2, to the stronger bonds in the combustion products carbon dioxide and water releases energy (418 kJ per 32 g of O2); the bond energies of the fuel play only a minor role here. At a certain point in the combustion reaction, called the ignition point, flames are produced. The flame is the visible portion of the fire. Flames consist primarily of carbon dioxide, water vapor, oxygen and nitrogen. If hot enough, the gases may become ionized to produce plasma. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different.
Fire in its most common form can result in conflagration, which has the potential to cause physical damage through burning. Fire is an important process that affects ecological systems around the globe. The positive effects of fire include stimulating growth and maintaining various ecological systems. Fire has been used by humans for cooking, generating heat, light, signaling, and propulsion purposes. The negative effects of fire include hazard to life and property, atmospheric pollution, and water contamination. If fire removes protective vegetation, heavy rainfall may lead to an increase in soil erosion by water. Also, when vegetation is burned, the nitrogen it contains is released into the atmosphere, unlike elements such as potassium and phosphorus which remain in the ash and are quickly recycled into the soil. This loss of nitrogen caused by a fire produces a long-term reduction in the fertility of the soil, which only slowly recovers as nitrogen is "fixed" from the atmosphere by lightning and by leguminous plants such as clover.
OMG! My Fire Ants Are Planning an Escape
Inside the World of Fire Ants!
Casting a Fire Ant Colony with Molten Aluminum (Cast #043)
OMG! Cockroach Giving Birth While Being Devoured By Fire Ants
Bibio - fire ant
Can PEE Cure Ant Stings?!
Red Fire Ants | National Geographic
Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/BTantattack On this episode of Breaking Trail, Coyote gets attacked by a swarm of FIRE ANTS! Why? Well ever since Coyote was was stung by a colony of Harvester Ants to prove whether ants bite or sting many of you wanted to know how those stings compared to that of the more familiar Fire Ant. Well now your wait is over because while filming other episodes in Florida the Fire Ants just seemed to be EVERYWHERE! So Coyote figured “why not?…let’s see if there’s a big difference…how bad could it be?” WELL - let’s just say the aftermath is PAINFUL to look at! Get ready…Coyote and the ants are BACK! Breaking Trail leaves the map behind and follows adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they enc...
My fire ants are planning a great escape! This video shows what I did to circumvent their plans and make them change their minds. Hope you like this video! Visit us at http://www.antscanada.com Hidden video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyl39QlEx-o Thumbnail and photos in this video courtesy of Alex Wild Photography http://www.alexanderwild.com. Want an ant farm? Check out our ant shop. We ship worldwide: http://goo.gl/I4l7Ho Need to buy an ant colony for your ant farm, or do you have ant colonies to sell/give away? Find out more about our GAN Project: http://goo.gl/jzo9Lc A brand new video is uploaded on this channel every Monday at 8AM EST so be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my videos to catch every ant video we release! Each up coming week's episode is announced in our Facebook ...
A song of ants and fire… and ant-decapitating flies Tweet this video ⇒ http://bit.ly/OKTBSants Share on FB ⇒ http://bit.ly/OKTBSantsFB ↓ More info and sources below ↓ Get yourself an awesome IOTBS shirt! http://dftba.com/besmart Special thanks to Dr. Rob Plowes from the University of Texas at Austin fire ant research lab for letting us come film their ants and phorid flies: http://www.sbs.utexas.edu/fireant/Research%20Program.html If you want to learn everything there is to know about fire ants, read “The Fire Ants” by Walter R. Tschinkel http://amzn.to/1U8jz1S Check your local library! https://www.worldcat.org/title/fire-ants/oclc/64379652 Rachel Carson - “Silent Spring” http://amzn.to/20QwWbM Fire ant raft - Matt Bennett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA-e65i3bDs Fire ant es...
Help us make videos by contributing on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/anthillart An incredible metal structure is made by pouring molten aluminum into a fire ant colony. The resulting cast is huge, weighing 17.9 lbs. and reaching a depth of 18 inches. See detailed pictures of the resulting cast on the Anthill Art website at http://www.anthillart.com/castings/043/ If you like my videos, then subscribe to my channel here. I'm also on twitter and instagram. These are the red imported fire ants (RIFA) which are harmful to the environment and their nests are exterminated by the millions in the United States using poisons, gasoline and fire, boiling water, and very rarely molten aluminum. From Wikipedia: "Researchers have also been experimenting with extreme temperature change to extermi...
OMG! After giving my fire ant colony an additional ant farm, I fed some live cockroaches. What happens in this video may shock you! Visit us at http://www.antscanada.com Links to Hidden Videos: Fire Ants Moving in to this Nest+Outworld: https://youtu.be/vkqrCiMWrmA Making a Nest+Outworld for Ants (Live stream): https://youtu.be/fD2v8y22abQ Want an ant farm? Check out our ant shop. We ship worldwide: http://goo.gl/I4l7Ho Need to buy an ant colony for your ant farm, or do you have ant colonies to sell/give away? Find out more about our GAN Project: http://goo.gl/jzo9Lc A brand new video is uploaded on this channel every Monday at 8AM EST so be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my videos to catch every ant video we release! Each up coming week's episode is announced in our Facebook Events https://go...
▶Click here to SUBSCRIBE to this channel: https://goo.gl/tlCQJZ What happens when you introduce a massive, ravenous fire ant colony to a bin full of soil? Pure awesomeness! In this video, we watch as our favourite Fire Ant colony "The Fire Nation" moves into a bin full of soil called "The Fire Palace". We observe the amazing tunnel work and constructions they make and witness what makes ants the best architects and designs Mother Nature has to offer. Visit us at http://www.antscanada.com CLOSE CAPTIONING "CC" available for this video. Please feel free to contribute to translating/CCing this video into another language: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c;=UCONd1SNf3_QqjzjCVsURNuA A brand new video is uploaded on this channel every Saturday at 8AM EST (with frequent bonus v...
Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/BTfireants On this episode of Breaking Trail, Coyote gets brutally chomped by a GIANT Leafcutter Ant! Predominately found in South and Central America, the Leafcutter Ant is truly an amazing creature. The complexity of teamwork and organization displayed in their societies is 2nd only to human beings and is an absolute spectacle to witness in person. When observing their behaviors one can clearly see that each ant has a specific task to carry out and whether its transporting leaf clippings back to the nest, attacking invaders or just keeping the other ants in order it is truly remarkable the amount of work they can accomplish in just a single day. What’s also astonishing about these ants is their formidable stre...
From 'Ambivalence Avenue', Warp Records (WARP177, 2009) https://bleep.com/release/19779 - http://itun.es/i6jN3qt - http://www.amazon.com/Ambivalence-Avenue/dp/B002CMO7QW http://warp.net/records/bibio http://www.facebook.com/mrBibio https://twitter.com/Bibio
Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/BTfireants On this week’s Behind the Adventure, Coyote answers the question if PEE is indeed a good cure for Fire Ant stings?! It has long been rumored and advocated that ones own pee can be used as a natural antidote to many forms of venomous stings and bites…and if you’re stuck in the wilderness without a first-aid kit, it might just be your only option. So to see if the myth is true Coyote Peterson will attempt to use his own urine to extinguish the burning pain of over 300 freshly inflicted Fire Ant stings. Get ready for quite possibly the most disgusting video we’ll ever make…and YES that IS 100% PEE! The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close...
Teamwork helps fire ants reproduce, take down prey, and strip bones clean. ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Red Fire Ants | National Geographic https://youtu.be/t0fB4vYK5AE National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo
Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/BTantattack On this episode of Breaking Trail, Coyote gets attacked by a swarm of FIRE ANTS! Why? Well ever since Coyote was was stung by a colony of Harvester Ants to prove whether ants bite or sting many of you wanted to know how those stings compared to that of the more familiar Fire Ant. Well now your wait is over because while filming other episodes in Florida the Fire Ants just seemed to be EVERYWHERE! So Coyote figured “why not?…let’s see if there’s a big difference…how bad could it be?” WELL - let’s just say the aftermath is PAINFUL to look at! Get ready…Coyote and the ants are BACK! Breaking Trail leaves the map behind and follows adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they enc...
My fire ants are planning a great escape! This video shows what I did to circumvent their plans and make them change their minds. Hope you like this video! Visit us at http://www.antscanada.com Hidden video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyl39QlEx-o Thumbnail and photos in this video courtesy of Alex Wild Photography http://www.alexanderwild.com. Want an ant farm? Check out our ant shop. We ship worldwide: http://goo.gl/I4l7Ho Need to buy an ant colony for your ant farm, or do you have ant colonies to sell/give away? Find out more about our GAN Project: http://goo.gl/jzo9Lc A brand new video is uploaded on this channel every Monday at 8AM EST so be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my videos to catch every ant video we release! Each up coming week's episode is announced in our Facebook ...
A song of ants and fire… and ant-decapitating flies Tweet this video ⇒ http://bit.ly/OKTBSants Share on FB ⇒ http://bit.ly/OKTBSantsFB ↓ More info and sources below ↓ Get yourself an awesome IOTBS shirt! http://dftba.com/besmart Special thanks to Dr. Rob Plowes from the University of Texas at Austin fire ant research lab for letting us come film their ants and phorid flies: http://www.sbs.utexas.edu/fireant/Research%20Program.html If you want to learn everything there is to know about fire ants, read “The Fire Ants” by Walter R. Tschinkel http://amzn.to/1U8jz1S Check your local library! https://www.worldcat.org/title/fire-ants/oclc/64379652 Rachel Carson - “Silent Spring” http://amzn.to/20QwWbM Fire ant raft - Matt Bennett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA-e65i3bDs Fire ant es...
Help us make videos by contributing on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/anthillart An incredible metal structure is made by pouring molten aluminum into a fire ant colony. The resulting cast is huge, weighing 17.9 lbs. and reaching a depth of 18 inches. See detailed pictures of the resulting cast on the Anthill Art website at http://www.anthillart.com/castings/043/ If you like my videos, then subscribe to my channel here. I'm also on twitter and instagram. These are the red imported fire ants (RIFA) which are harmful to the environment and their nests are exterminated by the millions in the United States using poisons, gasoline and fire, boiling water, and very rarely molten aluminum. From Wikipedia: "Researchers have also been experimenting with extreme temperature change to extermi...
OMG! After giving my fire ant colony an additional ant farm, I fed some live cockroaches. What happens in this video may shock you! Visit us at http://www.antscanada.com Links to Hidden Videos: Fire Ants Moving in to this Nest+Outworld: https://youtu.be/vkqrCiMWrmA Making a Nest+Outworld for Ants (Live stream): https://youtu.be/fD2v8y22abQ Want an ant farm? Check out our ant shop. We ship worldwide: http://goo.gl/I4l7Ho Need to buy an ant colony for your ant farm, or do you have ant colonies to sell/give away? Find out more about our GAN Project: http://goo.gl/jzo9Lc A brand new video is uploaded on this channel every Monday at 8AM EST so be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my videos to catch every ant video we release! Each up coming week's episode is announced in our Facebook Events https://go...
▶Click here to SUBSCRIBE to this channel: https://goo.gl/tlCQJZ What happens when you introduce a massive, ravenous fire ant colony to a bin full of soil? Pure awesomeness! In this video, we watch as our favourite Fire Ant colony "The Fire Nation" moves into a bin full of soil called "The Fire Palace". We observe the amazing tunnel work and constructions they make and witness what makes ants the best architects and designs Mother Nature has to offer. Visit us at http://www.antscanada.com CLOSE CAPTIONING "CC" available for this video. Please feel free to contribute to translating/CCing this video into another language: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c;=UCONd1SNf3_QqjzjCVsURNuA A brand new video is uploaded on this channel every Saturday at 8AM EST (with frequent bonus v...
Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/BTfireants On this episode of Breaking Trail, Coyote gets brutally chomped by a GIANT Leafcutter Ant! Predominately found in South and Central America, the Leafcutter Ant is truly an amazing creature. The complexity of teamwork and organization displayed in their societies is 2nd only to human beings and is an absolute spectacle to witness in person. When observing their behaviors one can clearly see that each ant has a specific task to carry out and whether its transporting leaf clippings back to the nest, attacking invaders or just keeping the other ants in order it is truly remarkable the amount of work they can accomplish in just a single day. What’s also astonishing about these ants is their formidable stre...
From 'Ambivalence Avenue', Warp Records (WARP177, 2009) https://bleep.com/release/19779 - http://itun.es/i6jN3qt - http://www.amazon.com/Ambivalence-Avenue/dp/B002CMO7QW http://warp.net/records/bibio http://www.facebook.com/mrBibio https://twitter.com/Bibio
Please SUBSCRIBE NOW! http://bit.ly/BWchannel Watch More - http://bit.ly/BTfireants On this week’s Behind the Adventure, Coyote answers the question if PEE is indeed a good cure for Fire Ant stings?! It has long been rumored and advocated that ones own pee can be used as a natural antidote to many forms of venomous stings and bites…and if you’re stuck in the wilderness without a first-aid kit, it might just be your only option. So to see if the myth is true Coyote Peterson will attempt to use his own urine to extinguish the burning pain of over 300 freshly inflicted Fire Ant stings. Get ready for quite possibly the most disgusting video we’ll ever make…and YES that IS 100% PEE! The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close...
Teamwork helps fire ants reproduce, take down prey, and strip bones clean. ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Red Fire Ants | National Geographic https://youtu.be/t0fB4vYK5AE National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo
Fire ants have nuptial flights while Black Crazy Ants double clone themselves! Explore the amazing world of ant reproduction in this week's video, where we discover my ant colonies' growth through sexual maturity. We follow how fire ants reproduce and the ways in which black crazy ants remain alive and reproductive forever. Visit us at http://www.antscanada.com List of Ant Equipment Used: "The Fire Nation" Solenopsis geminata Colony: •AC Solenopsis Hybrid Nest Gear Pack •3 AC Outworlds •AC Field & Forest Biome Kit •AC Field & Forest Biome Kit Paratrechina longicornis 3 queen polygynous colony: •AC Pogonomyrmex Hybrid Nest Gear Pack •AC Tetramorium Hybrid Nest •AC Field & Forest Biome Kit Hidden Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK34JKrU02U Thumbnail and photos in this vid...
My massive fire ant colony moved into Solenopsis Hill, a home I had made for them. It was an amazing sight to watch! Here is a link to our AC Biome Kit I used to make Solenopsis Hill: http://www.antscanada.com/product-category/biome-kits/ and a link to our AC Outworld used: http://www.antscanada.com/shop/ac-outworld/ Want an ant farm? Check out our ant shop. We ship worldwide: http://goo.gl/I4l7Ho Need to buy an ant colony for your ant farm, or do you have ant colonies to sell/give away? Find out more about our GAN Project: http://goo.gl/jzo9Lc A brand new video is uploaded on this channel every Monday so be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my videos to catch every ant video we release! Thank you for the support. Click here to watch every video we have ever made: https://goo.gl/8zNkIm Click here ...
Watch the Newest Documentary on Little Fire Ants: https://youtu.be/_u3lyvhhR-s ---more info: http://www.lfa-hawaii.org Invasive species introductions to Hawaii often end in regret and a list of should-haves. This film, produced by the Maui Invasive Species Committee, aims to change the result of the arrival of little fire ants in Hawaii. Featuring videography from award-winning film makers Masako Cordray and Chris Reickert, this half-hour film examines the biology, impacts, and potential solutions to the spread of little fire ants through interviews with scientists, farmers, and community on the Big Island reeling from the impacts of this minuscule, but devastating, ant. Viewers will learn how to identify and report new infestations, helping to protect Hawaii from this small stinging ant
Click here to SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/tlCQJZ Live Stream of feeding all my ant colonies! Visit us at http://www.antscanada.com CLOSE CAPTIONING "CC" available for this video. Please feel free to contribute to translating/CCing this video into another language: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c;=UCONd1SNf3_QqjzjCVsURNuA A brand new video is uploaded on this channel every Saturday at 8AM EST (with frequent bonus videos) so be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the channel to catch every ant video we release! Thank you for the support. Thumbnail and photos in this video courtesy of Alex Wild Photography http://www.alexanderwild.com. List of Ant Equipment Used in this video: "The Fire Nation" Solenopsis geminata Colony: •AC Outworlds https://goo.gl/SccvGn •AC Field & Forest Biome ...
Fascinating, relaxing Nature Meditation. A Colony of Red Fire Ants is expanding - an army of ants is on the move. Contemplate over 30 minutes of approximately 40-50 thousand ants moving both ways across your screen in HD. Watch mathematical patterns and social roles unfold before your eyes, try and make sense of their complex society or just relax and watch their intricate interactions. Why do only a few out of thousands actually pick up and carry the poison bait? What are the ants up to - what are they talking about - will they take over the earth? Seriously though, they are fascinating - and dangerous to humans and animals. Red imported fire ants have been reported to reduce ground-nesting populations of rodents and birds. In certain instances, the RIFA may completely eliminate ground-ne...
Ants, ant colonies, antfarms, queen ants, worker ants, fire ants, myrmecology, and anything ants are my life! Haha! Visit http://www.antscanada.com for more ant goodies! This species is Solenopsis geminata collected and raised in Manila, Philippines. Big thank you to TheANTS101 who made the closing billboard. Link to buy the Omni Nest - Size: Xtra Large: http://antscanada.com/products-page/ant-habitats/omni-nest-xtra-large-worldwide-shipping Link to buy the Omni Nest - Size: Large: http://antscanada.com/products-page/ant-habitats/omni-nest Link to buy the Omni Nest - Size: Small: http://antscanada.com/products-page/ant-habitats/omni-nest-small-worldwide-shipping If big and healthy ant colonies are what you want, we are the real deal. We are the world's leading pro ant e-store shipping...
one of those self-repeating immortal franken-ants
THE TOP 10 || TOP 10 ANTS ATTACK || Ants kill Snake, Ant vs Centipede, Black Widow, Wasp, Scorpion... https://youtu.be/7dZGhB7rv1g TOP 10: 1.Ants vs Snake 2. Ants vs Centipede 3. Red Ant vs Black Widow 4. Ants attack flying termites 5. Daisy chain blue ants killing giant millipede 6. Bull Ant vs European Wasp 7. Giant Red Ants vs Giant Scorpion 8.Ants Vs Crabs 9.Jumping Jack Ants vs Huntsman Spider 10. Red ants vs Tiny driver ants Thanks for watching! Subscribe for more videos.
Click here to SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/tlCQJZ Greetings, AC Family! Welcome to our very first Youtube Live episode. Sorry for shooting this portrait! Today we check out the amazing ant colony collection of our GAN Farmer Andrew Smith in Los Angeles, California. Check out his ant forum www.formiculture.com Visit us at http://www.antscanada.com CLOSE CAPTIONING "CC" available for this video. Please feel free to contribute to translating/CCing this video into another language: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c;=UCONd1SNf3_QqjzjCVsURNuA A brand new video is uploaded on this channel every Saturday at 8AM EST (with frequent bonus videos) so be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the channel to catch every ant video we release! Thank you for the support. Thumbnail and photos in ...
. says nowhere to go,
Hot as the dessert, she stings like a rose.
Waiting for someone to get her that text,
Protection, the friction, so good in a text.
Dance with the devil and she's in control,
Give her the chance and she'll burn thorough your soul.
Faster and faster we head by disaster
There's no slowing down till we fail!
Now I'm busy like a freight train,
Tired of being insane!
Money I don't care,
Come on you, I want more, and more, and more!
She got me wrapped around... like a ...
Nothing outside of this room means a thing.
Every last touch... chosen for more,
Too late for leaving when locking the door.
Dance with the devil and she's in control,
Give her the chance and she'll burn thorough your soul.
Faster and faster we head by disaster
There's no slowing down till we fail!
Man busy like a freight train,
Tired of being insane!
Money I don't care,
Come on, I want more, and more and more!
Faster and faster we head by disaster
There's no slowing down...,
Tired of being insane!
Money I don't care,